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~Year 2090-Winter-

He'll take care of her...I know Keir will explain more so than I'm able to at the moment...

"Wh-What?" Rose questions the two, uncertainty lingering in her eyes as her world begins to crash down around her. Everything she thought she knew shatters with those words, knowing she'll soon come to realize exactly what her mother was and how she's so much like her.

Keir informs Marc, "We need to leave."

No shit...

I glance around once I'm hidden again, knowing that there are others who will question Rose.

"Those damn crystals..." Marc growls in frustration and I release a sigh. He's lucky she doesn't have the pendent around her neck and decided to use it against him.

It's been moving in for awhile, but the clouds begin to block out the beams of the moon beyond the trees. With that being said, Keir mentions, "The storm's coming in; it'll block the moon for the most part."

Keir looks into Rose's eyes, calmly asking her, "Will you come with us?"

This shouldn't take you more than a second to answer little rose...you've wanted to be free from Aohdan since the moment he captured you. Here's your chance, run free with those who you'll come to know as family and perhaps once you understand everything...then you'll learn to trust me.

"I-" Rose is hesitant with her response, causing me to furrow my brows with confusion at why she's second guessing herself.

"She's not staying with them! My mate will not remain as one of their slaves!" Marc is quick to snarl out, making her decision for her. It's what I'd expect out of a young alpha, his recklessness not something that will fair well for him. Rose is destined for much more than the role of a mere luna among a single pack...

...she will rule everyone.

The only question is...

...are you a strong enough man to change your ways for the sake of this world?

Keir barks back sharply, "It will be her decision. We are not like them."

At least we have wisdom among the wolves...Keir doesn't disappoint me. He's always been smart and a survivalist. He's the perfect one for Rose to turn to right now when she's confused beyond recognition.

Everything is still, the silence consuming them before she states, "I'll go," when Keir and Marc glance at one another, it's almost as if they are not sure they heard her correctly until she reiterates, "I will go with you."

Keir nods his head and tells her, "With the council member's blood in your system, you'll be able to keep up with us. We'll stay shifted, it'll be quicker that way and when we arrive at our destination, don't turn away. Don't be afraid."

...I'll also be able to track her wherever she goes with my blood in her system.

"I won't," Rose replies, the two alphas quickly shifting into large black wolves while she breathes in sharply. Marc's wolf gently comes closer to her, bumping his head against her arm while attempting to get her to move. Keir's wolf is already padding away from Aohdan's estate.

It only takes one last glance back toward the one who'd kept her captive before she releases a shaky breath. Marc's wolf licks her fingers, his teeth quickly taking hold on the sleeve of her jacket before tugging her in the direction they are heading. She takes off running with the wolves and leaving everything behind.

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