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~Year 2092-Spring/Summer-

"Did I ask if you wanted to get me pizza?"

I swear.

I'm staring at Satan and my life's about to end.


"No! I didn't!" Rose snaps while glaring at me from across the living room. Dante is edging toward the entryway, perhaps attempting to make his grand escape or fulfill the wishes of the crazed pregnant woman...

The second Rose's gaze lands on Dante he freezes. His eyes shift from side to side before he fumbles, "Le-Let me g-get-"

"Get the damn pizza!" Rose is out of her chair, her belly having grown quite large. She's taken an affinity to pizza while pregnant and I swear she eats it everyday...

...even prefers it over blood.

If one of these poor unfortunate souls she's carrying has a permanent craving for pizza, they're going to have to take it up with their mother.

Dante, save yourself...or if you care about either of us you'll go get the fucking pizza while I distract her...hopefully.

Haha...funny...you assume I'll come back after I get out of her clutches.

"Rose...love," I try to pull her gaze away from Dante. She doesn't let him out of her sight so I try again, "Little rose, it's okay..." her eyes trace back over to me and I say, "they're called cravings for a reason, but we don't always have to give into them, okay sweetie?"

Dante manages to get out into the hallway and near the castle doors.

Rose growls back and snarls, "So that means the next time you have a craving for my fucking pussy means you get to choke on Dante's dick instead and where do you-" her gaze had followed Dante as he opened the doors.

"You're on your own!" Dante is out the door and my eyes widen.

You fucking dick!

Yes...I do have a fucking dick...nice, eh?

Rose walks toward me and I throw my arms up defensively. Her eyes shift to those reddish orange ones before she crosses her arms beneath her enlarging breasts...

"How about some blood instead?" I ask while slowly getting to my feet.

Her eyes continue to stare at me hard before she grins wickedly, "You'd rather the angry pregnant woman bite you...what makes you think I'd like you go?"


You better be getting the pizza!

I'm sorry, Dante Matz is away right now. Your call will be returned in approximately...never...please leave a message after the beep...BEEP.

Ah shit...

That fucker.

"Can't we talk about this?" I ask, taking a step away from her before I edge around one of the couches. She follows me with her eyes, anger rising in her features before I suddenly take off out of the room and down the hallway.

"Cormac Arin!" She yells after me and I catch Niles walking down the staircase as I pass around the bottom landing.

"Trouble in paradise?" He asks while arching a brow.

"The hurricane, tsunami, tornado of all mother fucking storms is after me..." I'm quick to turn down the hallway, though I'm saved.

Niles stops Rose and says, "We need to do your exam."

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