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~Year 2086-Spring-

Abigail knows I'm becoming distant with her...except, it really sends mixed messages when Kev decides to sleep with her while I was out searching for my beloved...

"What?" Kev asks, folding his arms in front of his chest while I lean against my desk. My laptop sits open, my eyes searching the screen while I continue to draw up maps and directions my beloved could have possibly taken. There are so many routes, yet I can't even begin to figure where to broaden my search.

Laura taught her daughter well.

She taught her how to survive, how to fight back and to not be left a victim of the Code of Conduct. With her having the appearance of a human, my beloved falls directly under the definition of a vagrant, knowing now if anyone else finds her before I do, she will be executed. Now that she no longer has her mother to guide and protect her, it's only a matter of time before her luck runs out...

I can't help but wonder why they were even traveling so close to my estate grounds that night, especially with it being at the edge of the winter solstice.

Did Laura not find Keir?

Was her hand forced to raise her daughter on her own?

How much does my beloved know about her heritage?

I glance out of the corner of my eye at a folder on my desktop. Nothing concrete has been placed within it, only vague ideas encrypted. I've begun to formulate a possible plan...

...one that might end the Code of Conduct.

Walter couldn't do it...

...however, if his daughter possesses just an ounce of the strength Richard had...

I shake my head at the thought and Kev presses again, knowing full well that I'm slightly ignoring him, "Cormac...what?"

...I'll set the board up for the players, my beloved the last piece of this game. There's many possible outcomes to this endgame...but if I can get my beloved into the right position under the right circumstances...she could very well end the tyranny that is not only Arthur, but the subtle moves being played out by Tresor.

I can't help thinking...

...is this what Tresor meant by I'll thank him? Did he know that the child born between Walter and Laura was predestined to be my beloved?

If so...


Why her?

Why connect me as her beloved?

There's still so much I don't understand and what the warlocks and witches truly are manipulating and planning.

"Why did you sleep with Abigail?" I glance up at him for a moment before going back to clicking the mouse of my laptop and arranging an arial view of the cities neighboring my estate.

Kev unfolds his arms and leans against the secret passageway wall, narrowing his eyes at me while he states, "What did you expect me to do? I've always done that and everything you've asked me for to keep your appearance as normal as possible."

"Did you not think for a second the moment I told you that I found my beloved that I might not necessarily want to keep the same appearance?" I don't look up at him this time, pulling up two separate windows and spacing out the lands between the council members' estates.

Endgame |18+ (Ménage)✔Where stories live. Discover now