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~Year 2090-Winter-

This hour...

...the longest hour of my life and much to my surprise, Tresor does not invade my mind, nor does he control my movements for a second.

Times up.

The second I hastily open the door, I have to remind myself of the way she'd been treated...the way I'd treated her. If for a second I pull back too far from what she's seen, she's bound to question and I'm not going to slip up again.

For appearance sake, I slow my actions.

The slight amusement I find in her situation, is the fact her body had enjoyed the punishment...yet I know better than to truly believe she had, her mind and body wanting to disconnect from one another. After all...I wanted to do the exact same thing when Tresor invaded my freewill.

Walking across the room, hearing the loud pounding of her heart, I come to stop just about where her head rests, not able to help myself or resist taking a glance over her sweat-coated body. Her muscles tense and relax, fighting with whatever is left within her at my presence, not wanting to show any sign of weakness.

You're already strong little rose...so strong.

"So little rose," my voice centers her, her eyes gazing up into mine as she attempts to say something, but the gag within her mouth bites back her response. After pausing a moment, I ask her, "Have you had enough? Are you going to behave for Aohdan?"

With a slight and innocent nod of her head, I do wonder exactly what she's thinking, what she's planning because I know very well she'll remain defiant at all costs...just, I hope she uses her better judgement around Aohdan.

Rose's chest rises and falls steadily the second I turn the machine off, pulling it back slightly and ceasing the vibrator's actions. The room becomes silent, knowing if a pin were to drop, we'd both hear it.

Slowly, I begin to unstrap her from the bench, working my way back up to her head where I reach behind it and unsnap the red ball gag. Not wanting to lock her jaw, I carefully and slowly remove it from her mouth, yet I see the wince cross her features at how sore she is. Taking the gag and placing it on a shelf, I catch her actions out of the corner of my eye, her fingers lifting to massage the joints of her aching jaw. The second I glance back, she ceases her actions and allows for her jaw to close tightly together.

"Well, no one heard you if that's any consolation prize," I nod in the direction of the door, while revealing to her the garments I'd left on the table. I should know...

...I waited that entire time.

Rose doesn't waste any time, setting her hands down on the bench beside of her before shifting her weight forward.

I wouldn't do that...

Well, it's no surprise once she attempts to take a few steps forward, she ends up falling right into me. My muscles tense for a second, my hands reaching out and capturing her waist as I steady her in place. I have to shake the feeling of warmth her skin brings me from the mere contact, a shiver traveling down my spine...my fingers press a little harder against her flesh...

Her warmth.

Her arousal.

Naked, right in my hands...


The second I feel her regain feeling in her limbs, trying to stand more so on her own, I release my hold on her with a reluctant exhale. Instead of looking up at me like she has been, her eyes stay averted from mine while she walks toward her clothes, slipping into her underwear and pants before finishing with her socks and boots.

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