Chapter 30

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After confessing to each other both went to their room's. Krist was so happy. He was blushing when he reached his room. Knot noticed this and guessed that Singto must have done something.

"So why are you blushing so much?" Knot asked.

Krist was so happy. He hugged Knot and said,"I am so happy Knot. P'Singto loves me too. He confessed right now."

Knot was happy for Krist. He hugged him back and said the same. That night Krist slept peacefully with sweet dreams about his P.

Singto told everything to P'Jane. He was happy that Krist had accepted him. P'Jane promised him that he will help him in convincing his Pa. Singto was glad for his help.

The next day Singto and Krist sat together for breakfast. They were sitting with P'Jane and Knot. Now that Krist had accepted him Singto didnt feel jealous of Knot anymore. Knot offered to switch with Singto so that he can share the room with Krist but Singto refused. Krist was surprised at this but he thought of asking Singto after the shoot.

Krist wasn't jealous today. Singto didnt stay close to Angel. He posed as he was required and after the shoot rushed to sit with P'Jane. Krist was confused as to why he didnt sit with him but ignored it. After Krist finished he went to sit beside Singto. He asked him ,"P, why didn't you accept Knot's offer to swap rooms? Don't you want to stay with me?"

"Don't get me wrong but everyone has seen us getting different rooms. If we swap then they will start talking and make a issue. I don't want any problems so I refused. Hope you understand." Singto explained.

"Why didn't you come to sit beside me?"

"Krist, please understand. I have to maintain a distance from you in front of other people. I don't want any gossip to reach my Pa. So I suggest that we maintain some distance in public."

Krist nodded. Nothing mattered to him as long as his P was beside him and loved him.

"P, can we meet after dinner at the beach just like yesterday?" Krist asked.

"Ok Krist. I will come." Singto smiled and then nibbled his lips remembering their kiss.

Krist blushed as he knew what his P was thinking.

This became their routine for the remaining days. During the shoot they would maintain their distance and at night they would secretly meet at the beach. They would always kiss but Singto would be careful of not leaving any marks on Krist's neck.

On the last day Krist was feeling sad. "P, will you meet again?" he asked sadly.

"Of course we will. I will try to meet often but I can't promise. We will chat daily dont worry." Singto assured Krist.

With that both left in their cars.

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