Chapter 53

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Singto was a little upset. He was shooting for a new series and was busy. Krist had also started his new series. He was happy about his work but Krist was working with Godt. At first they had thought that fans will always ship for Peraya but they were wrong. When fans the pics of Krist and Godt taken on the beach they went crazy for them. They were now shipping for Krist-Godt.

They were staying together now. Sometimes Singto would leave him on set and sometimes Krist would go with Yuyu. He wanted to go on bike but Singto refused. He was afraid of people crowding him more if he went alone.

When they used to be free they would just spend time cuddling as they would be tired. Krist wanted to spend more time but Singto wasnt free. He adjusted his schedules according to his so that they could have free time but it never worked.

Krist was feeling alone. Singto was busy with his work. Krist didn't have any shoot so he was free. He called up Knot and went to meet him.

"Hi Knot. How are you? What are you doing now?" Krist asked.

"Nothing just working out. Am planning to compete in a fitness programme. What are you doing?"

"Am doing a new series with Godt. Why are you not doing any series? Didnt you get any offers?" Krist was curious. Knot never came for any meetings nor photoshoot.

"There were offers but I don't want to do series. I am happy with my business and I do photoshoots if I find it satisfying. So how everything between you and Singto?"

"It's good I guess. He is busy with his series and I am busy with mine. We don't have any time for us now. Many times I tried to adjust according to his schedule but still it didn't work out." Krist sighed. He missed his P.

"Its ok Krist. Dont be so upset about it. Its your job so you have to do it nonetheless. As for time alone try to be with him more when he come home. Arrange dinner at home. You don't have to go out for that." Knot said smiling. He will always help him. He loved seeing him smile.

"Hmmm. You are right. I will try to do that. Have you found anyone to take on a date yet?" Krist asked. He felt a little guilty that he is alone in his life. He wanted Knot also to have someone special who will love him as he is the most kindhearted and genuine guy he has ever met. If he hadnt met Singto maybe he would have fallen in love with him.

Knot looked at him and said,"There is someone but I haven't said anything yet. What if I get rejected again?"

"You should atleast try. You would never know if you never tried." Krist said.

Knot nodded. He will try to tell her soon about how he feels. He thanked Krist and left.

Krist felt happy that Knot had someone. He always felt guilty about refusing him. He thought himself as the reason for his loneliness. But now he wont be alone. He was sure that Knot will get the love that he deserves.

After Knot left Krist went to his place and he decided to cook something special for Singto. As they were alone Krist and Singto started to learn to cook some recipes. They would call mae at odd times for the recipes or ingredients. Krist called his mae and asked her help but she said that she was out of town. Krist decided to cook on his own.

For 2 hours Krist worked hard to prepare food for Singto. He had made a mess of the kitchen and himself. He even made a cake for the first time. After finishing the cake Krist tidied up the kitchen and himself and waited for Singto. He knew when will he be back.

He decided to give the dining area a romantic feel so he places candles and put a bottle of wine. They didn't drink everyday. It was only for special days.
Krist freshened up and decided to wait for Singto. He sat on the couch.

He waited for 3 hours but still Singto hadnt returned. He tried calling him but his phone was switched off. He got worried so he called P'Jane. He told him that Singto left early from the shoot. Krist was worried now. If Singto left early then why hasnt he reached yet? The distance was only 2 hours so he should have been home now.

Krist had no option but to wait. He couldn't call Pa as he was also out. He was pacing in living area but then laid on the couch.

It was midnight when Singto came home. Krist got up fast and hugged him. He was so worried that he was fine now. Singto had come home. Singto hugged him back and moved away.

"Where were you P? I was so worried. Why didn't you call me?" Krist asked.

Singto looked at him and went to the kitchen. He saw the food on the table amd the candles. He smirked and looked at Krist. He drank water amd came back.

He was about to leave to his room when Krist glared at him.

"Answer me P. Where were you?"

"I wanted to be alone for awhile so I went for a drive.  Whom did you call for your special date?" Singto asked him.

Krist looked at him shocked. What did he mean by that?

"I cooked for you P. I did all this for you. I wanted to spend some time alone with you." Krist explained but it hurt him that Singto asked him like that. Didnt he trust him?

"Where did you go today?" Singto asked.

"I met Knot today for lunch. Why P?" Krist was more confused now.

"Why didn't you come to the set? We could have been together there also don't you think so?"

Krist was shocked.

"Its not as if I didnt want to go to your set but I didn't want to disturb him. Also it had been too long since I met Knot so I went to meet him." Krist explained him.

"Guess I am not that important to you now." Singto said looking upset.

"No P. Its not like that. You are more important to me P. Please listen to me.." Krist was crying now. He had no idea that Singto would feel so bad about his not going with him.

Singto looked at him but didnt say anything. He left Krist like that and went to his room. Krist just sat there crying. He didn't know what should he do? How should he prove that Singto is more important? Does he have to prove his love?

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