Chapter 65

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Tew stood there watching Knot and Krist. He knew Krist during Sotus but he didn't know that they were so close to each other. He didnt like Krist hugging Knot. He cleared his throat and made aware of him. Krist noticed him and got up. Knot saw him and smiled at him. He came towards Tew and hugged him. Tew was still confused. He hugged Knot and went inside.

"Sawadee Khrap Krist. How are you? Its been a long time since we met." Tew said.

"Sawadee Khrap Tew. I am good. Yaa its been long time. I heard about you and Knot. Congrats. I am happy for you." Krist said.

Tew blushed and Knot pulled him close again. Krist didnt want to disturb so he started to go out.

"Krist, where are you going? Lets have lunch. Then I'll drop you home." Knot told him.

"No I can go alone. I will order take out. You go and have lunch with Tew." Krist said.

"We can have lunch together na. Its no big deal. Come on. Let's go." Knot said and took Krist's hand.

Tew saw this and he felt alittle discomfort. He smiled at Krist and they went to have lunch. Tew asked Krist about Singto.

"Knot I didnt you two arw still close. I thought Krist was only close to Singto." Tew said.

"We have known each other before Sotus. We are best friends. As for Singto he is still close to him." Knot said.

Krist had told Knot not to tell Tew about his and Singto's relation as he didn't know Tew well. Knot had agreed so he didnt tell Tew anything.

They were having lunch when Tew saw Angel and Singto coming in. He looked at Knot and pointed towards them. Knot saw them and then looked at Krist. Krist didnt see them at first but then Singto came towards them.

"Hi Krist. Hi Tew and Knot. You are here for lunch as well. Can we sit together?" He asked Krist. He was still looking at him but Krist ignored him. Knot looked at Krist and told him to atleast talk to Singto.

Krist sighed and he looked at Singto. He could see that he was worried for him. "We are having lunch. Are you alone?" Krist asked.

Singto was about to answer when Angel came beside him and held his arm.

"Oh hi everyone. Its so good to see all of you. We would have liked to join you as well but I dont want to spoil my lunch date with Sing." Angel said and smiled at them.

Krist glared at Singto. Singto gulped. Krist was enraged now. Knot looked at Krist and held his hand to calm him. He didnt want Krist to get upset again. Tew saw this and got upset. He didnt understand why Knot was behaving like this. Why was he so concerned about Krist?

Singto went from there and Angel went with him. As soon as they went Krist walked off. Knot went behind him but Tew stopped him. Knot looked at him and said,"Tew, please wait for me. I will be back ok."

Tew agreed. He let him go. He was sitting there when Angel came over.

"Tew, why are you sitting alone? Did those two lovebirds leave you alone here?" She said.

"What lovebirds? Whom are you talking about?" Tew asked her confused.

"Ohh. You didnt know. I meant Krist and Knot."

"What? Who told you?" Tew was shocked. Why was she saying all this.

"We all had gone to a beach for photoshoot. Me, Singto, Krist, Knot and Godt. Krist and Knot stayed in one room. Also the entire time Knot stayed beside Krist." She said.

Tew was shocked. Was it true? No, they are just friends and friends can stay together. Knot won't lie to him. Tew thought.

Angel saw Knot coming back. She went back to sit with Singto. Knot saw her leaving and asked Tew,"Why was she here?"

Tew looked at him and asked,"Knot do you love me?"

"Of course I do. Why are you asking me this?"

"Whatever I ask you will answer the truth. No lies. Ok."

"Ok. You can ask anything. I promise you I wont lie to you."

"Are you and Krist lovers?"

"What are you asking? I told you he's my best friend thats all."

"You sure you are not lying?"

"Tew, I love you and I will never lie to you."

Knot looked at him and went close to him. Tew looked at him so close and kissed his lips. Knot smiled and kissed him.

Tew was blushing. Knot held him close and hugged him.

Singto watched all this and was happy for Knot. He didnt want to come with Angel but she is being very persistent. She is following him everywhere. He is not able to meet Krist. He excused himself and went to talk to Knot.

"Knot, is Krist staying at your place?" Singto asked Knot. Tew was surprised at this question. Why is Krist staying with Knot?

"Yes. He will be staying for a few days. I thought you must be missing him the way you came searching for him in the morning. Then what the hell are you doing with Angel?" Knot glared at him.

Singto had never seen Knot so angry. "I didn't want to bring her she is following me around. I don't know how to refuse her."

"Are you a kid? Cant you tell her strictly that you don't want her around? You can be so cruel with Krist but not with Angel. Can I ask why? What is Krist to you?" Knot tried to lower his voice but he was very angry at Singto.

"You know how much I love Krist. I know that I have hurted him alot but I am trying to ask for his forgiveness. I am trying to clear all misunderstanding but I cant do it if Krist doesnt talk to me. Please help me Knot." Singto pleaded with Krist.

"Sorry Singto but I have seen Krist hurt so many times because of you that now I dont trust you. I am not going to help you. I will always be with Krist. When he says he is ready he will do what he thinks is right and I will always be there with him."

Singto was upset that Knot refused to help him but he was happy that Krist had a good friend like Knot. He nodded and went to his table. Tew looked at Knot still confused about everything. Knot laughed seeing Tew's face. He decided to tell him everything so that he understands. He told him all about Singto and Krist. He even told him about their living together. Tew looked excited hearing all that. But when Knot told how Singto was treating Krist he was angry at Singto.

"How can Singto behave like this with Krist? And even now he came with that Angel knowing how Krist must be feeling. Krist must be heartbroken now Knot. Its good that you are with him. I hope that they resolve all their problems and be happy like us." Tew said.

Knot smiled and said,"Even I want that. I want Krist to be happy. "

Tew hugged Knot. Angel saw everything. She knew that Singto and Krist are living together but still she wants to be close to Singto. Why should Singto choose Krist? She will make sure that they never come together again. She smiled looking at Singto sitting with her. He will choose her she was sure. She will have to plan carefully now.

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