Chapter 56

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Krist woke up amd grinned.  Last night was so good. Singto loved him dearly. Last night they cleared their differences and now Krist was sure that Singto won't doubt on him. He got up and freshened up. He took a shower and wore his T-shirt and jeans. He went to the dining room and saw Singto preparing breakfast.

He hugged him from behind and kissed his neck."Good morning Krist. You feeling ok now?" Singto asked.

"Good morning P. Am feeling great today. Am hungry now. Are you done?" Krist asked eyeing the breakfast hungrily.

Singto laughed and told him to sit while he brings it. Krist sat on his chair and smiled. Singto brought tge breakfast and they ate while discussing their schedules. After breakfast Singto dropped Krist to his rehearsal and he went to his set.

Krist was smiling wide when he reached the hall. He greeted everyone. He saw Bas with Godt. They were having a argument Krist noticed. He felt like going over and talk but then decided to wait. Bas noticed him looking and told Godt. Godt smiled looking at him and called him over to them.

Krist went to them.

"Sawadee Khrap Krist. Good to see you. I enjoy watching you." Bas said excitedly.

"Sawadee Khrap Bas. Thank you. Even you are doing a good job. I loved you in 2 moons." Krist told him.

Godt laughed. He knew Bas was also a fan of Krist.

"Is everything ok now with you and Singto? He looked very angry yesterday." Godt asked.

"We are fine. Don't worry. He was just jealous. Why were you two arguing now?" Krist asked.

Bas blushed and Godt was silent. He looked at Bas and then told Krist,"Same as Singto. Jealous."

Krist and Godt laughed. Bas blushed more and hit Godt on his shoulder. Godt caught his hand and hugged him. He said something in his ears and kissed him. Bas returned the kiss and hugged him more. Krist looked at them lovingly. Bas didnt stay any longer and went out. Godt told him to meet after rehearsal.

"I guess even we would be jealous of we saw them kissing someone else. Be it acting or real I can't see Bas with any other. I love him too much." Godt told him.

Krist sighed. He thinks the same about Singto. Guess that's the disadvantage of being actors. They have to act loving and caring in front of fans even if they don't like the person. He likes Godt and after acting with him he can act caring and loving as a friend.

They started to practise their scenes. They didnt want to do the kiss scene. They kept it for later. They didn't want any awkward situation.

"Yuyu, did you talk to Pete about the bed scene? I don't want to do it. I am ok with kissing but not that." Krist told her.

"I did talk but he said that he will decide later. He said that he will ask the creative team and writers first and then decide. Don't worry I won't force you." Yuyu assured him.

He told everything to Godt. Godt said,"Krist I hope they listen to us. But if they won't then we have to be prepared for the intimate scene."

Krist knew that but he wasnt ready. If it would have been Singto then too he would find it uncomfortable. He sighed. He just hoped that Pete will listen to them and change it.

In the evening Singto came to pick him up. First he thought of waiting at the gate but then he decided to go the rehearsal hall to surprise him. He waited till everyone had left. He notice Godt's car in parking so he thought of waiting till he went. After seeing everyone leave Singto couldnt wait anymore. He was about to go when he saw Bas come. He was smiling and chatting on the phone. Singto walked beside him and talked to him,"Sawadee Khrap Bas. Good to see you here. Are you here for Godt?"

"Sawadee Khrap P. Am good. Have come here for Godt. We are going for dinner after this. What about P?" He asked him.

"No plans yet." Singto replied.

"Then why dont you two join us? We can double date. It will be fun." Bas said.

"Will ask Krist. If he wants to then we will come."Singto said.

They were talking for some time and they noticed that they had the rehearsal hall. They opened the door and were shocked.

Krist and Godt were KISSING. Krist was in Godt's arms and Godt had grabbed Krist's hair. It wasnt just a peck. It looked quite passionate.

Bas and Singto just stood there frozen and stunned.

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