Chapter 99

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It was a beautiful morning. Everything was decorated with flowers. There were many bouquets in Krist's room. Knot had come with his parents. They hugged him and blessed him. Tew joined them after a while. Knot's mae had met Tew before and they had blessed them. Knot hugged them and smiled. They were chatting about the wedding. Susan came in with breakfast for Krist. She smiled and greeted Knot's parents. After chatting with them Tew took them outside. They were going to the church for the wedding. The reception was to be held at a hotel.

Krist smiled and went to hug his mom. Susan hugged him and kissed his head. They sat down on the bed. Krist took the plate and started eating.

"Mae, where is dad? I thought he will come with you." Krist asked.

"He has gone to the church to see the arrangements. He will be here soon. Don't worry." Susan said.

Krist smiled and was eating his food. He was chatting happily.

"I am very happy today Krist. We have tried to make this wedding beautiful as you truly deserve it. Always remember that we are always there for you. Now that you are getting married you have to be more mature. You will have to take more responsibilities and have to take care of Singto too. I wish you all the happiness Krist." Susan said wiping her tears.

Krist hugged his mae and kissed her. "Mae, I will always be with you na. I promise you that I will be mature and responsible. I love you mae. Thank you so much for this beautiful wedding."

"All the thank you and love for mae? What about dad?" Dave asked.

Krist laughed and rushed to Dave. Dave laughed and hugged him. Krist said,"Dad, I love you too. And thank you for this wedding na."

"Well you are welcome. Now finish your breakfast quick. You have to get ready soon. Grandma is waiting for you. We have to go and get ready too." Dave said.

Krist nodded and went to finish his breakfast. Susan and Dave left from the room.

After taking his bath, Krist saw that Knot had prepared his wedding tux. Knot was also wearing a tux. He smiled at Krist and said,"Come on get ready soon. Singto is getting really impatient now."

Krist laughed and went to take his clothes. He went to the bathroom and wore his clothes. He came out wearing the white shirt and black pants. Knot helped him with his black tux and gave him cufflinks.

"Congratulations Krist. Hope you are always happy and always loved. And I am sure that Singto will always take care of you but if whenever you need me you can come to me anytime or call me whenever you want ok. Never hesitate."Knot said.

"Thanks Knot. Thank you for always standing by my side. Thank you for everything. By the way where are the rest of the guys?" Krist asked.

Just then Bright and Prem arrived. They smiled at him and hugged him. They congratulated him.

"You are looking so handsome. Singto wouldn't be able to control himself today." Bright teased.

Prem laughed and said,"I am sure he will be rushing you to the hotel room as soon as the wedding vows are done."

Krist blushed. Knot said,"Enough with the teasing. We have to get him ready soon. He has to neet Grandma before leaving."

"I am still angry at you Knot. Why did you record our video? Gun is still angry at me." Bright sulked.

Knot laughed and said,"Who told you to flirt with a random cute guy? Don't worry I am sure Gun will forgive you soon."

Bright nodded and smiled. They chatted and teased each other. He was also very happy to see Krist and Singto getting married. After he got ready, Bright and Prem led Krist outside to meet Grandma. Knot took Krist's phone and his overnight bag. Krist and Singto would spend the wedding night in a hotel and would be spending 3-4 days here before leaving for their honeymoon.

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