Chapter 72

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That night was too long for Krist and Tew. They couldn't sit. They were pacing in front of the room and looking at Knot time to time. Singto was sitting in a chair and looking at them. Even he was worried. He tried to get them  to eat something but they refused.  Tew was sitting next to him. He looked exhausted but still he kept crying and praying. Krist couldn't sit. Singto after sometime forced him to sit beside him. He hugged him and placed his head on his shoulder and gestured him to sleep for a while. Tew looked at them and shook his head. He can't rest forget about sleep. He kept going towards the room and looking at Knot. In the morning doctors went to examine Knot. Tew stood outside wishing with all his might that Knot wakes up. After some hours the doctor came beside Tew. Singto and Krist stood beside Tew. The doctor looked at Tew and said,"The patient is out of danger now. He has still many bruises and fractures on his right hand and leg. He doesn't have any internal bleeding so his chances of recovery is stronger now. Still we would like to conduct some tests to ascertain that there are no internal damage. If everything is good we will shift him to a normal ward soon."

Tew relaxed for a bit. He was happy that Knot will be fine. He hugged Krist and they both comforted each other. Tew looked at Singto and smiled at him. The doctor looked at Tew and said,"Try to take care of yourself too. You look weak. Dont worry he will be fine."

Tew asked,"Doctor, can I see him please?"

The doctor smiled,"Yes you can but one at a time. Dont be too long ok."

Singto asked the doctor,"When will he be conscious?"

The doctor thought for a while and then answered,"I think soon but I can't say exactly when. Pray that he awakes soon."

Tew nodded. He rushed inside and saw Knot. His heart broke seeing his Knot lying like this. He hadnt seen Knot when he was brought. Now he could clearly see the bruises on his face. Hus right hand amd leg were plastered. He looked so weak that Tew started crying again. He sat beside him and carefully touched his left hand. He kept looking at him and whispered,"Knot, you scared me. Please come back to me Knot. I need you. I love you Knot. Please wake up.."

Tew held his hand and cried. He wanted to see Knot smiling at him and loving him. He wiped his face. He saw Krist waiting outside. Krist wanted to see Knot too. Tew understood and went out. Krist hugged him and went inside to see Knot. He cried seeing him like this. He sat beside him and held his hand carefully.  He whispered,"Knot, please wake up soon. I and Tew need you. You cant leave us like this. Are you listening? Wake up Knot."

Singto saw Krist weeping silently. He felt hurt seeing Krist like this. He sat beside Tew. Tew smiled at him. "Thank you P'Singto for helping me."

Singto just smiled. He waited for Krist to come out. When Krist came Sing told them to go in the cafetaria and eat something. Tew didnt want to leave Knot but Sing told him that he will sit by his side till he comes back. Krist nodded and took Tew with him. Singto looked at them and went inside. He looked at Knot and felt bad. He remembered what the inspector had told him. He was still clueless as to why would anyone try to hurt Knot. He hoped that Knot wakes up soon so that they can catch the culprits soon.

When Krist and Tew came back they had brought food and coffee for Singto. Singto came out and ate. Tew was about to go in but Krist stopped him. Tew looked at him confused. "Tew, why don't you rest for a while. I will stay here. You can take rest."

"No Krist. I want to stay here. What if he wakes up and I am not there beside him? Please you can go home and take rest. I am fine."

Singto watched them. He went over to Krist and said,"Krist, Tew is right. We should go now. We will come in evening and Tew you take care and call us if you need anything." Tew nodded. Krist looked upset but he didnt argue. He looked at Knot again and left from there.

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