Chapter 59

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Singto was about to ring the  bell when the door opened. He saw Knot standing at the door. Singto smiled at him. Knot just looked at him and without saying anything Knot left. Singto kept looking at him. Thats strange he thought.

He went inside and met Krist's parents.
"Sawadee Khrap Mae. How are you?" Singto asked mae.

"Sawadee Khrap Sing. I am good. How are you? How's your work going?" Susan asked.

"It's good. Where is dad? Isn't he at home?" Singto asked.

"He is resting in his room. Don't worry he will come down later. Why don't you stay with Krist? I will start preparing for lunch." Susan said.

Singto nodded and went to Krist's room. He knocked on the door but Krist didnt open. He opened the door and smiled. Krist was asleep on the bed. He went close to him and got shocked. He saw Krist's back and he saw that some places had become black due to swelling. He saw the ointment near the table. He cursed at himself for hurting Krist so badly. He went slowly towards him and saw his face. Krist was sleeping peacefully.

He sat on a chair beside the bed and watched Krist. He didn't want to disturb him. Now he knew why Knot behaved like this. Maybe Krist told him about this. He sighed. He didn't want to hurt Krist but last couple of days he was only hurting him. Krist had told him to control his jealousy but he still wasnt able to. He swore now that he will always trust Krist and never ever hurt him.

He sat on the chair and waited for Krist to wake up. Dave opened the door and met Singto. He saw Krist asleep so he didn't talk much. He just greeted Singto and went out. He wanted to confront him about Krist's wound but Susan had told him not to tell him anything. Dave didnt say anything and just went out.

Krist woke up after a long time. He was feeling much better now. He saw Singto sleeping on the chair and he smiled. He went near him and touched his face. He was looking at his lips when Singto woke up. Singto smiled at Krist. At first Krist was going to smile but then recalling last night he got upset at him.

"What are you doing here P?" Krist was angry at him now.

"Ohh...I saw your note that you are here so I came to meet you. How are you feeling now? I am sorry Krist. I didn't mean to hurt you." Singto apologised and looked at him sadly.

Krist just looked at him but didnt say anything. He didn't know what should he do now. He knew that Singto loved him but his jealousy was hurting him now. Is this how he is going to behave whenever he sees me with someone else? Krist thought.

Singto was worried now.  Krist didnt forgave him. He didn't even smile at him. He knew that he is at fault and he will make Krist forgive him.

Krist was about to say something when Susan called them out for lunch. Krist looked at Singto and without saying anything went out. Singto felt hurt but he couldnt do anything.

Singto joined Krist amd his parent's for lunch. He sat beside Krist and looked at him. Krist smiled at him and chatted with his parents. Singto ate his lunch looking at them and smiling.

After lunch Dave asked,"Sing will you be staying till dinner? Why don't you stay here for the night? You two can go back tomorrow evening."

Singto looked at Krist and said,"No dad. I have to go see Pa today. I think I will have dinner with him. Will come tomorrow to pick up Krist."

"P, you don't have to pick me up. I brought my bike today. I will come home bh myself." Krist said.

Singto nodded and was about to go when Susan told Krist to see Singto tikk his car. Krist agreed and walked with Singto till his car.

"Krist, please forgive me. I know that I have hurted you alot these days but beleive me I didn't mean to. I love you alot Krist." Singto looked at him. He wanted to touch his hand but he didnt know if Krist will allow him to.

Krist just looked at him and said,"P, we had a talk some days back and you had agreed that you will trust me but yesterday you proved that no matter I do you wont trust me. You are hurting me now P. I am getting scared now. I don't know what you will do tomorrow. I want to be an actor. Even I have worked hard to be where I am today and I am not going to leave all that for your jealousy. Sorry P but I think I need some time to forgive you. Drive safely P and give my regards to Pa."

So saying Krist went back to his place. Singto just looked at his back. He knew that Krist is angry and that he will need time to cool down. He hoped that he will forgive him soon. He drive out to his Pa's place.

"Sawadee Khrap Pa. How are you?" Singto hugged his Pa. He had missed him alot.

Mark hugged his son and greeted him. He took him inside and they sat chatting. Singto was thinking about Krist. He didn't want to lose him. He didn't feel like going to his apartment without Krist. He decided to stay the night at his Pa's.

Krist was confused about what he should do. He called Knot and asked to meet him. He was relieved when Knot accepted. He really needed his best friend now. They decided to meet at a cafe near his gym.

Krist went on his bike and reached on time. Knot was already inside. He had even ordered iced coffee for both of them.

Krist saw him and smiled but Knot didnt.

"Hi Knot. Thank you for meeting me. I am sorry again for that day. Why don't you forgive me?" Krist asked.

"I did forgive you Krist but that day I also promised myself that I won't interfere in your life. I am happy for you." Knot said.

"Please Knot. You are my best friend. You also have a right to say anything you want. Don't leave me na Knot. I really need you." Krist said looking sad.

"Ok. I will forgive you but on one condition. Do you accept it?"

"What condition?" Krist asked.

"Whatever I ask you will answer truthfully. There will be no lies between us. No lies. No half truths. Understood?"

Krist nodded. This time he will not let him down. He needs his best friend and he will do everything to get him back.

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