Chapter 67

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Its been a week since Singto started his new routine. He would meet Krist in the morning. During lunch he would always bring Krist's favourite food but Krist never sat with him. Krist is still ignoring him. Even while leaving Krist would ride his bike without looking back at Singto. Singto would follow Krist till he reached Knot's place and then go to his place. Its been a week and Krist is still staying with Knot. He had thought that Krist will forgive him soon but now he is getting restless.

Even today morning he met Krist and he ignored him as usual. He was going to meet him again for lunch. He was late today. He was rushing towards him with food parcels and drinks. He saw Krist sitting at a table. He looked upset.

Krist was waiting for Singto. He had ignored Singto for one week. He would show him that he didnt care but in reality he always cared. He would sit nearby during lunch and steal glances at him to make sure that he is eating properly. He missed him alot. Staying away from was not only a punishment for Singto but it was also very hard for Krist. He loved him alot. No matter what Singto does he cant stay angry for long. Knot didn't say much. He wanted Krist to decide what is good for him and he had promises him that no matter what he will always support Krist. Krist was very lucky to have Knot.

Today Krist decided to talk with Singto and forgive him. He wanted to go home with him. He waiting for an hour but Singto still hadnt come. Krist was worried. What if he doesn't come? What if he breaks up with me? What if he likes Angel now? Krist's mind was full of questions. He was being silly. If Singto didn't love him he wouldnt be coming everyday just to see him.

He was relieved when he saw Singto coming towards him with food parcels in hand. Singto smiled at him and placed the bags on the table.

"Sorry. I left the set alittle late today and the traffic was horrible. I brought your favourite food. Let's eat. You must be angry."

Krist just nodded and waited for Singto to sit with him. Singto smiled looking at Krist. He didnt talk yet but atleast he was sitting with him that much was enough for Singto. Krist was eating silently when he glared at Singto. Singto stopped eating and looked at him confused.

"Whats wrong? Why are you glaring at me?" Singto asked getting confused.

"Where is my drink P?" Krist asked.

Singto laughed. He took out the cup of mango smoothie and placed in front of Krist. "Here is your drink. I can  never forget Krist."

"Thats a mango smoothie. I don't drink smoothie dont you remember. I like iced coffee." Krist looked upset now.

Singto was confused. He thought he liked it so today instead of iced coffee he brought this. He felt horrible now.

"Sorry Krist. I thought you will like this so I brought it. Will bring your iced coffee tomorrow. Atleast finish your food na."

Krist didnt say anything and continued eating. They finished eating and Singto asked Krist,"I am sorry Krist. I shouldn't have behaved like that. You were right about Angel. I trusted the wrong person. I know that I have hurted you again. Sometimes I think I dont deserve you Krist. Since we became close I have only hurted you and made you cry. I even got jealous and got possessive of you. I know that you haven't forgiven me. I will not force you Krist. I will wait for you always."

Krist looked at Singto. He looked upset and he had tears in his eyes. Krist had never seen him cry. He couldn't punish him anymore.

Krist held his hands and said,"P, I forgive you for everything. I can't see you like this. You are very kindhearted so you think everyone is like that. I won't tell you to promise me anything. I want you to be careful thats it."

Singto nodded and held his hands. He went close to him and placed his lips on his head. Krist was very happy.

"Will you come home with me? I miss you Krist. Please." Singto asked Krist.

"Yes I will P. I miss you too." Krist blushed.

They stayed like that for some time and then Singto left for his set. Krist promised him that he will go home on his bike. They promised to meet at home.

Krist was so happy. He called Knot and told him everything. Knot was happy for him. He wished him luck and made plans to meet for dinner soon with Singto and Tew.

Singto rushed to his set and told P'Jane everything. P'Jane was happy. He told,"Sing, please be more careful in future. You should place Krist and his feelings before anything else. Dont do anything foolish now. Krist wont forgive you always."

Singto nodded. He listened to him but he was sure in his heart that Krist will always forgive him as he loved him and will always be with him.

He was lost in his thoughts when Angel came beside him. He got angry seeing her in front of him. He was about to move away when she said,"Sorry Singto. I was very rude that night. I shouldn't have behaved like that. Please forgive me Singto."

Singto looked at her and went away without saying anything. He can't forgive her. She hurted Krist amd used bad words for him. He will never see her again.

After rehearsals Krist rushed to his bike and rode to his place. His place with his beloved Singto. He had missed his place too. He went to meet Knot first as he had to take his bag from his place.

"Hi Knot. I will leave now. I want to reach fast." Krist was excited. He cant wait to go home

"I know you must have missed Sing alot. But Krist be strong na. You trust Sing blindly. He has hurted you alot. I cant see you cry anymore Krist. Promise me that you won't cry again." Knot said.

Krist hugged him. "I love Singto you know na. I am sure that he wont hurt me anymore. Please trust him like the way you trust me. He is a nice person na." Krist was telling him excitedly.

Knot hugged him and let him go. He wished in his heart that Krist will always be happy from now on.

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