Chapter 80

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The next day everyone was shocked to read this. Angel and Nick were arrested while trying to leak Krist's videos. No one could believe that she could be so evil. The videos were confiscated so that no one could see it. The police had said that they will destroy all videos once they were punished. The police had arrested Nick first when he was uploading those videos. After severe questioning he confessed everything and said that it was Angel who was paying him. Angel denied at first but she broke down after questioning. She was still adamant on her stand saying that she only wanted to separate them as she loved Singto.

While at the hospital, Singto amd Knot were still waiting for Krist to wake up. Bas had recovered and was now sitting beside Godt who was still sleeping. He had informed Godt's parents and also his parents. They had said that they will arrive soon. Knot asked Singto,"Don't you think we should inform Krist's parents also? They have a right to know."

Singto looked at him and replied,"I will call them when Krist wakes up. You know Krist will be more embarassed if he sees them here. I can't explain all that happened to them. It will break their hearts. Lets wait till Krist wakes up." Knot nodded.

Godt woke up after some time. He blinked many times trying to steady his eyesight. He had a very bad headache and also he was still feeling weak. Bas was happy to see him awake. He rushed towards him amd hugged him. Godt hugged him back and was surprised to see Bas crying. He didn't remember much about yesterday. He was confused. He pulled Bas away slowly and looked at him. He was shocked to see multiple  bite marks on his neck and got worried. "What happened Bas? Who did this to you? Are you alright? What am I doing here?" He asked confused.

Bas looked at him concerned and asked," P, you don't remember?" Godt shook his head. "Wait let me call the doctor then I will tell you everything." Godt nodded. He looked around the room and was shocked to see Krist lying on the nearby bed. Singto was sleeping next to him. What happened to him? His head ached more. His clutched his head hard to stop it but he was getting more restless. Bas arrived with the doctor and Knot. He wasn't surprised to see Knot as he knew that if Krist and Singto are here then Knot will also be here beside them. He smiled at Knot and he returned the smile. He looked at him worried. The doctor told them to wait outside while he checked him. Bas and Knot went out.

"What happened to me? Why am I here?" Godt asked. He wanted to know.

The doctor looked at him and asked,"First tell me how are you feeling? Is there any pain anywhere?"

Godt said,"I am feeling weak. My head is paining alot. Other than this I am fine. Now tell me why am I here?"

The doctor replied," You, Krist and Bas were brought here yesterday by Singto and his friend. Bas had multiple bite marks on his whole body. He was very weak due to what happened. You and Krist were drugged. Someone gave you a high power of aphrodisiac. Its a drug that increases your sexual urge. In your case it was more than normal. But you will be fine. I have given you medicines. You will be fine in some time."

Godt was shocked. Drugged? Aphrodisiac? But why? Who? He looked at Krist and asked,"Why is he here?"

The doctor looked at him and replied,"Krist was also drugged. The same drug but in his case he is more weak. We are waiting for him to wake up. You take some rest. I will send something for you to eat."

Godt nodded. He was confused now. Who will do this to them and why? He didn't have any enemies and nor did Krist then why. He was lost in thoughts. He tried to remember but then his head ached more strongly. He looked at Bas and Knot. He took Bas in his arms and hugged him. "I am sorry Bas. I hurted you alot. I didn't mean to. Sorry. I don't know what happened. I can't remember." Godt was crying now. Bas rubbed his back and tried to calm him.

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