Chapter 50

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As they were arranging everything Susan started to prepare lunch. Knot finished unpacking the cartons. Krist was looking at them smiling. Dave and Mark sat in living room and chatted with Singto.

Knot signalled Singto to meet Krist. Krist was in his bedroom. Singto understood and smiled at him.

"Did you finish setting your cupboard? If you need anything you can tell me. I will get it for you."

"P, I am very happy today. I have everything I want. I hope you don't mind mae staying here for some days."

"Why should I mind? Your mae is like my mae. This is their home also. They can come whenever they want."

"Can I call Knot also? You will be busy with your work now. If I feel lonely can I call him here?" Krist asked. He had called Knot today as he wanted to share his happiness with him. He didn't know if Singto was still jealous?

"Krist this is your home also. You can call anyone anytime. I won't stop you. You don't have to ask me."

Singto pulled Krist closer in his arms and hugged him. Krist snuggled into his arms and kissed Singto. They were kissing each other when Knot knocked on the door.

"Sorry to disturb you but lunch is ready. Everyone is waiting for you."

Singto smiled and went out. Krist stayed back to talk with Knot.

"Thank you Knot for helping me."

"Why are you saying thanks? You are my best friend. I will always help you."

Knot smiled and this time when Krist hugged him he didnt step back. Krist was happy now. He hugged Knot and stayed for some time. After breaking the hug Knot smiled at him and then they went for lunch together.

Everyone ate while chatting joyously. Singto loved being part of Krist's family. He loved Krist's mae. She takes of him like her son.

After lunch Dave said,"Singto I know that you need your privacy and if you don't want Susan to be here I will take her home. She is just worried about Krist. She is worried about what you will eat tomorrow so she wants to stay."

"I understand dad. I don't mind if she stays for a few days. Krist and I can't cook. But don't worry I will surely try to learn some recipes."

Dave was relieved.

Knot left after lunch as he had a meeting. Everyone spent time there till dinner. After dinner Dave and Mark left. Susan tidied up the kitchen. Singto and Krist sat at the the couch. Susan finished her work and then went to Krist.

"Good night Krist. Sweet dreams." She hugged amd kissed Krist on his forehead.

Singto saw this moment and felt sad. Susan noticed this. She went to Singto and hugged him and kissed him on forehead.
"Good night Sing. Sweet dreams."

Susan went to her bedroom leaving them alone. Singto looked at Krist and kissed him. It was full of love.

"Thank you Krist."

"Why thank you P? What did I do?" Krist asked confused.

"Thank you for coming into my life and giving me mae. You know I miss my mae alot. My Pa has given me everything in life. He gave me father's and mother's love. But I still missed her. Now thanks to you I got my mae." Singto had tears in his eyes.

Krist looked at him and hugged him. He kissed him lovingly.

"You are my everything P. My family is your family"

Singto nodded. He took Krist's hand and took him to bedroom. He told him to take a shower and change. After changing into night clothes Krist and Singto settled into bed. Krist hugged Singto and wound his arm on his chest.

Singto snuggled in his arms and both went to sleep.

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