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It's Mother's Day. A day to celebrate the most important women in our life. I called early to greet my mother and grandmother.

It's the outmost importance that we remember the love and sacrifices our mothers did for us. Not just for one day but it should be everyday.

Which is impossible, I know. Because we are busy working, studying, living life...I know. But maybe, if we will do something when the thought of our mothers enter our minds, then it will be enough.

Like when you remember your mother, you call her, or send her little trinkets like flowers and sweets or make a little video to send to her.

I did that. I made a little video for my Mama. I videoed my life here in Wuxi. Where I am staying, the locations where we are shooting, the places where we rest and eat. I videoed what happens to me on a day in Wuxi.

It's to give her and Baba an idea about what my life is here in Wuxi when I am shooting the project I am doing now.

And made a small message to my mother. Telling her not to worry about me because her son is doing well and working well without missing meals and sleeps.

My mother appreciates it, of course. She is glad to know that I am doing well and that despite being busy, I still manages to make something for her this Mother's Day.

Mama: Are you and Qing good?

Me: Of course! You know us...we don't really fight...that much...(grumbling) We are fine.

Mama: (sighing) Be kind to Qing, Dayu ah...

Me: (defensive) I am nice to him. He is the grumpy one between us. Mama...

Mama: nice to Qing. He loves you. You need to be patient and kind to each other.

Me: (grumbling again) I am. We are. Don't worry about that. Besides, I am your son. Worry only about me.

Mama: (laughing) Qing is also my son.

Me: He is not! And he is not perfect, you know. He is gruff and growly and grumpy. He is a triple G!

Mama: (laughing again) He is not perfect? Then who made such a ruckus to us at the beginning of your relationship. Insisting and insisting to me that I should like his boyfriend. Hmmmm...who is that annoying boy again? (Teasingly) I think he is my son...

Me: (flushing) Mama! I...that is!

Mama laughed again. I smiled while hearing her merriment. She is one special lady. Not because she is my mother but because she is simply that. Special...

Mama: Thank you for being born as my son, Dayu ah. Thank you for your gifts. Say thank you to Qing too.

Aside from the video and message, Qing and I sent her other gifts. I will not say what they are because...well, it's for my mother. It's her privacy.

Me: (grumbling again) He will call you too. You know him...

Mama: (teasing again) Yes. He is my perfect son. My other one is a klutz.

Me: Mama!

Mama: (giggling) Dayu ah, remember to call Qing's mother to greet her, okay?

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