Unfunny pt2

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Me: It's not funny!

Qing: It is.

Me: I was traumatized! For a moment I thought a real cockroach touched my face! How dare you...?!

Qing: But it's not a real cockroach.

Me: (pulling my wrists from his hold) It doesn't matter. You are a world class jerk, Wang Qing.

I turned my back on him to get back to the walk in closet. I collected the fake cockroaches and then storm back to the living room to throw them at my lover.

Me: (stumping my right foot) I hate you!

Qing: (sober now) Dayu ah...it's a prank...

Me: Your prank is not funny! It startled me! You jerk...

I turned my back on Qing again to take my change of clothes to the bathroom. I locked the door and proceeded to get undress so I can take a shower.

I took a mildly cold one to let a little of the hot anger I am feeling to cool down.

After a quick shower, I dried myself and get dressed. My face set into a frown and a pout, I joined Qing in the kitchen to sit on the dining table to have lunch.

Qing sat gingerly next to me.

Qing: Still mad?

Me: (stormy faced) (cold hard tone) Pass me the rice.

Qing sighed and passed the plate of rice for me.

I pushed rice from the serving plate to my plate and started eating. I ground the food on my mouth like I am taking revenge on them. I don't care if my teeth will hurt later for gnashing them hard together.

Qing ate quietly with me. I think your Baba finally developed some fear for his life.

After eating lunch, I attacked the table like a maniac on the loose. Cleaning it of dirty dishes, wiping it angrily like I want to erase the design on our table and wash the dishes aggressively like I am strangling them.

(Oh my...)

I am venting my anger on the table and the dishes. Which is good in a way because after I am done cleaning, the kitchen is spotless. My OCD is so proud.

Good for me.

When I left the kitchen, I saw Qing standing in the living room, looking uneasy.

Qing: Love, forgive me already. It was just a prank. I am sorry. I didn't consider that you didn't just hate cockroaches, you are afraid of them too.

I gasped. Ugh! This guy.

Me: (eyes widening) I am not afraid of them.

Qing: (wincing) Were you not? You looked kinda freaked out by them. You got pretty loud.

Me: Because I hate them! I got loud because I am pissed at you and I hate cockroaches. But not because I am scared of them.

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