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Who watched Infinity Wars? You know, that little movie about an assembled superheroes? It just grossed over 2Billion dollars worldwide, I think. I am just estimating here.

Anyways, of course Qing and I had watched this movie. We watched it with some friends in a group date and again with just us. It was fun watching it more than once, right?

Well...I know it happened over a month ago but I suddenly remembered our conversation after watching the movie the first time.

I don't know if it is weird or something that should have happened a long time ago but Qing and I finally got into it.

The debate on who is the best superhero: Captain America or Iron Man?

Me: It's Captain America, of course.

Qing stared at me like he cannot believe he kissed my mouth that uttered those words.

Qing: Who are you? Are you my lover or what? You cannot be this stupid, Dayu ah. It's IronMan.

Me: (frowning) No, it's Captain America. He is the captain of the Avengers.

Qing: And so? He was injected by medicines, Dayu.

Me: And your point? IronMan is incased in steel. Steve Rogers takes those punches like a man, with his body.

Qing: That is enhanced by Science.

Me: Science that also made IronMan's suits.

Qing: Yeah...but still, Tony Starks trained hard to move with those suits. And he made those suits. He is a genius.

Me: So is Bruce Banner, and he is a doctor, but we are not including The Hulk in the debate.

Qing: Because he is big doofus. He smashed everything and everyone like an unthinking huge moron.

Me: I think Tony Starks ego is still bigger than The Hulk's body. It's his downfall. A weakness...

Qing: And you think CA is perfect? He is so righteous he cannot see what is right in front of him. He wouldn't even bent his idea of right or wrong. He is inflexible. Which is bad as well.

Me: But Steve Rogers is a soldier.

Qing: know what, yeah, of course, we salute soldiers. But still, IronMan also risk his life for the good of everyone.

Me: It's free advertising for him. Pompous ass. All he got is his money and charm. Steve has principles.

Qing: You are getting personal. Tony Starks has a foundation.

Me: And a teseract for a heart. Miss Potts deserves better.

Qing: (defensive tone) Tony loves her. They are getting married.

Me: Still...he will leave her thinking that he is somekind of a hero. Which he is not. He is a businessman. Every battle, TS got richer.

Qing: And you think Steve Rogers is not raking in money? What did you think he used to buy that Harley Davidson...his ass?

Me: Now, who is being personal? So he has a Harley, big deal. Tony Starks is an obssessive jerk who needs a sports car, a plane and a huge building to compensate for something I don't know what. Must be his small dick.

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