Birthday Month

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It's August.


Okay, I am not freaking out. Who is freaking out? Not me.'s August. My birthday month. I will turn 26 this year. What fun...huh?

I am still not freaking out.

Qing: Awww...I will be younger by one number from you again. The horror! You sure are getting old, Dayu. Tsk tsk.

(Oh. My. God.)


I AM FREAKING OUT! See me freak the hell out!

Me: (glaring at Qing) Fuck you who is getting old?! I am not getting old! I just had a birthday last year!

Qing: (grinning) Well, like what Rapunzel said in "Tangled", that's the funny thing about birthdays, it's an annual thing.

I stared at my lover dumbfoundedly.

Me: Okay, first...Rapunzel? Tangled? Really?

Who Qing thinks he is? How dare he quote Disney on me?

Qing: (still grinning at me) Just so you know, every year that you get old, I am getting closer and closer to considering calling you Yu Ge.

Oh...that is needs a good comeback.

Me: (smiling sweetly at him) Just so you know, everytime you are being a wiseass, I am getting closer and closer to breaking up with you and accepting "Mr.Hwang"'s offer to be his "baby boy".

I got the satisfaction of seeing the smile from Qing's face vanishing and his eyelids ticking in massive irritation.

Qing: (face growing stormy) Feng Jian Yu! You really have to go that low?

Me: (hands on waist) Yes. What? Why? Are you angry?

Qing: No! (mellowing down) Who is angry? Not me. (pulling me in a hug) Don't get near that "Mr.Hwang". He is a sadist.

Me: He is a Dom in a BDSM community.

Qing: He likes whipping people and putting anal beads on them.

Me: With consent. And anal beads are rumored to be pleasurable to use.

Qing: Yeah I am not complaining about the anal beads. It's the whipping I have issues with.

Me: Oh...right. And question, why did our subject turned to whipping and anal beads?

Qing: I don't know. You are the one who mentioned creepy "Mr.Hwang".

Me: He is not creepy. He is a Dom...

Qing: (scowling) Fuck I care who he is. He is not getting near you.

Me: Well, that will be difficult as he is in charge of putting a nursery room for the Goddess' unit.

Yup. How do you explain one "Mr.Hwang"?

He is actually a close relative of the Goddess. While the Goddess is in Japan, baking her baby in her tummy and waiting the arrival of her bundle of joy, Mr.Hwang is in charge of building a nursery for the baby.

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