Happy Birthday To Me

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Strangely enough...I am a year older again.

26. It's just a number, I know. All that saying about age being just a number, I get that, I know that...but still.

I am twenty six now and another year of my life had passed.

Okay, let's move on Dayu. Let's move on.

No...you won't find deep epiphany here. No lessons to be learned. Life is...as I grow older I find that life is to be lived. Simple as that. It's waking up every morning, doing what you have to do and closing your eyes again at the end of each day.

Simple as that.

I had an event last Saturday where I met people who wanted to wish me well on my birthday. Friends who generously expressed their happiness that I am living in this world and they get to meet me.

I am happy that those friends exist too.

Last night, I get to dine with my parents and drink with friends. It's such simple affairs...just eat and drink. I think as I grow older, I find throwing big parties tiresome.

My parents, their birthdays came and they celebrated it with dinners. My father took my mother to a romantic dinner on her birthday and she was so happy. I think my mother has a taste for simple yet fine things in life.

This year, for my birthday, all I want is some time with Qing. And he is giving it to me.

I opened my eyes this morning of August 27th in an unfamiliar room. We are not in Beijing right now, not in our condo. Qing and I are in an exclusive country club somewhere I will not reveal where.

We are here because Qing and our friends decided to host a polo game in honor of my birthday.

(*choking* A Polo game?)

I know! Right?! A fucking polo game. In horseback...I...

I sighed. Okay, confession time, I am not a prolific horseback rider like Qing. Qing is fucking Marlboro Man compared to me when it comes to riding a horse.

So my first question was...

Me: Why? Why a Polo game?

Qing: (smiling and putting his arms around my waist) Because it will be fun. We will host our friends in a country club and we will play a polo game. It will be fun.

Me: How? How will it be fun?

Qing: Because it will involve horses, polo mallets, balls and scoring some goals.

I stared at my lover like he is an alien speaking a language I have never heard before.

Qing: (sighing) Do you want to open your gifts now?

Me: Oh gifts! (Clapping) Let's open them now!

(Dayu ah!)

Yeah...I am easy to distract plus I like shiny gift wrappings. Qing did something sweet. He told everyone who has an intention to send me gifts this year to use glossy wrappings in gold or silver colors because I like shiny things.

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