Tied Up pt1

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My man is home!

After over two weeks of shooting, Qing is finally home for a little break. I, of course, welcome him with a warm smile, a big hug and a sweet kiss.

(Aw, that's so sweet of you Dayu...)

Or that's what should have happened...

(Oh no...what is this now?)

Hey, don't be alarmed, I eventually welcomed Qing warmly but you see when he got in our condo, I am a bit, how to say this...stuck...


Yeah...you know, when you are in something where you cannot get out easily. Stuck...

(Yeah, we know the meaning of stuck. But what do you mean you are stuck? Stuck where?)

In zip tie locks.

(In a what?!)

Some large zip tie locks. It's my curiosity attacking again. The zip ties came about three days ago in a delivery named for my lover. Qing ordered the zip ties.

(You will not blame this on Baba, right?)

No! I will not be the jerk who will say that if Qing didn't order those zip ties then I wouldn't have been stuck in the first place.

No, I would not do that. I will claim blame. Me and my curiosity will claim the blame on this one. It's actually funny. Okay, maybe I am a little drunk when it happened.

(You got drunk...and stuck? My goodness, it rhymes...)

It does! It was a funny story.

(Is Baba laughing while this is happening?)

No. But you all know Qing has a weird sense of humor. He is not normal...

(Yeah, I think we can name one person who is not so normal in the way of his thinking in this relationship. And it will not be Baba...)

Then who is that guy? Never mind...just listen to this because it's quite a funny story.

So what happened was that Qing called the night before to say that he will be get home quite late. Maybe after dinner sort of hour. I said "okay" and then we got sweet again in our conversation and we will not tackle that.

So the day of Qing's arrival, I was feeling excited and edgy because well...Qing coming home will only mean one thing...

(That he will be home...?)

That I will totally get laid. And yeah that...he will be home. But it will mostly mean I will finally have person to person sexy time.

Anyways...the notion of seeing my lover, hugging and kissing him makes me edgy in excitement so I decided to mellow down by drinking wine during lunchtime.

(Oh wine with lunch...a luxurious feel)

Tell me about it. I feel bourgeois, like a hedonist. And it's good wine because it came from the guests of Mama's get together party. Remember that party Mama asked me to organize? Well, people invited on that party gave me a thank you basket and included in that basket is this wine that taste so good with my chicken salad that I emptied the whole bottle.

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