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While Qing was in Spain, and I had some free days from the taping, I will admit to not knowing what I should do.

Damn! I am so dependent on him.

For like...half an hour.

Then I decided to pick myself up, shook the self pity away and...

(Wait. Wait. Self pity? What's with the self pity?)

Well...Qing is in Spain, eating chorizo, paella and running with the bulls while I am stuck here in China, working.

See the comparison. Qing is out in Spain playing while I am...know what. Never mind. I will start sounding like a shallow and ungrateful person. Work is important too. Work is necessary. Working is fun. Especially in my line of work. Acting is fun. I love it.

But sometimes, in my shallow moments, I want to eat chorizo and paella too. And maybe set foot on a yacht and pose for a camera.

But that is me being shallow so...ignore my moments of weakness. Okay?

Anyways, like I am saying, after thirty minutes of feeling self pity that I am not in Spain with Qing, I decided to pick myself up, dust myself off and travel too. Wuxi.

I have been shooting here in Wuxi for more or less two months now, time has got away from me again, and I got to thinking...

(Oh thinking...dangerous hobby that. Thinking...)

I know, right? I mean, if you know me, you must realize now that when I started thinking, that is the time trouble started too. My mind is a cesspool of ideas. Some of them crazy. Some even lethal.

But enough about those ideas. I think this idea that popped in my head is a fun one.

I decided to travel around Wuxi. I have been working here, shooting a project, but I have never gotten around to learning Wuxi.

I mean, I don't plan to memorized the whole place. Just the tourist spots. And sample their food.

Okay, trivia time! Did you know that food taste sweeter here in Wuxi?

I am not kidding. And we are not talking savory sweet here. Like how crab meat are sweet. We are talking about sweet sweet. Like how they pour sugar in their braised pork.

Can you believe that?

At first, I was like what? Sweet braised pork? I like my braised pork extra savory, thank you. And my chicken noddles rich with a hint of spice.

Not sweet.

Sweets are for desert. Thank you very much.

But not here in Wuxi. Here, sweet is the name of the game. Every food, they have a sweet version. XiaoLongBao? Here, have some meaty XiaoLongBao with sweet tasting sauce inside. Beef noddles? We will sweeten it up for you.

And is it delicious? Bet your ass it's delicious! Yum yum.

At first, you will be confuse on the taste. You will think this is not right. Too sweet for my taste. Nah, this is plain wrong.

But while thinking like that, you will realize that you have finished two bamboo steam basket of dumplings.

And you will tell yourself, wow, it tastes really good.

Don't get me started with their crab and other seafood dishes. Heaven.

So I indulged. With some members of my team. My manager, assistant and stylist in particulars, it's fun eating with them. It's all fun to have friends and companions when you go to a food trip.

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