Get Set

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"Young K.."

She smiled to herself, looking down at a picture of him on her phone.

"I can't believe it. Our promise.. It's finally coming true.." Taking in a deep breath, she felt the excitement of seeing her vest friend again after years of being loaded up with a busy career. Busy schedules kept them from their annual lunch and dinner dates and then eventually faded. But perhaps now, she hoped, this movie would make up for all of that.


The day came for filming and she had practically danced into the studio where the filming would primarily be taking place.

"Calm down Soo. You're going to make them think you're a life sized spinning top or a tornado if you don't slow down!"
"I'm sorry, Larry! I'm just so excited!" Larry leaned with a grin.
"Is it because of Spike Lee or the fact that you'll be getting a little more comfortable with Young K?" Kissing her teeth, she crossed her arms and started sassily swaying away from him and into the studio. His laughs soon following her. Seeing her being playfully upset was the best thing in Larry's eyes. In all honestly, it was funny and cute.

Once they both set foot on set, Larry didn't miss the opportunity to tease her again. "You never answered my question, Soo."
"Put a sock in it, Larry." He chuckled.
"Ah. So I see you're looking forward to being with Young K." His eyebrows dancing about his forehead.
"Only in your perverted dreams - which you better not be dreaming about me." He chuckled as Spike Lee approached them.

"Sook Soo Young."
"Mr. Lee! It is such an honor to be working with you. I can't tell you how much I absolutely adore your work!" Nodding and smiling, Spike Lee went through the motions that he usually goes through when someone flaps their lips like this before pulling out the big guns.
"Thank you. Thank you. It's a pleasure to be working with some one as talented as yourself. Now Soo, you see that lady over there by the trailer?"
"That will be your trailer where you get ready at. So if you could just sashay your way over there, that would be great."
"Of course."

Once in front of the trailer, as she was about to get in, she heard a familiar voice call her name.


Whipping around, her face immediately began to grin like a little kid that got everything they wanted for Christmas. Wanting so badly to run to him, she felt her stylist's eyes on her and therefore just decided to eagerly wave.

Even though she had only waved, it was no secret of how excited she was to see him - her long lost friend.

She could hardly contain her excitement as she sat in the chair and the hair and makeup team got started on her.

Meanwhile, outside, Young K could hardly focus. He, too, was excited to see his old friend. Seeing her happiness made him smile. And even after she had gone into her trailer, it took him a moment to dim the wide smile on his face and slowly put his hand down.

"Well it seems that the chemistry is already there." Larry joked, snapping Young K back into reality. A quick, but nervouse laugh later, he straightened up and out out his hand for Spike Lee to shake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lee."
"And a pleasure to meet you as well. I see you and miss Young already know each other, correct?"
"Yes sir." He smiled toward the ground. "We were best friends growing up."
"How fortunate you are to already have a bond outside of the film. It will benefit everyone in the long run. But do be careful." The seriousness in Spike Lee's tone and face baffled Young K. He knew what he meant, but didn't know what to say. After a moment, he cleared his throat, nodding.

"Yes sir. Where should I go to get ready?"
"Just over there, where the lights are."
"Mm. Thank you. I'll be right back, sir."
"I would hope so. Shooting starts in 45 minutes." Larry was the only one with a non-serious reaction by reacting with a small chuckle. Young K headed toward a the trailer and sat, eyes closed, in his chair.

And where he thought his thoughts could hide were behind his eyelids, where no one could see. "What are you smiling about?" His eyes fluttered open die to the dust from all the products and etc. The puzzled look on his face made the person repeat what they said.
"What's got you smiling?"
"Ah. Oh.. I'm just happy, I guess. Happy to be here. I love what I do." He nodded, rubbing his knees and thighs subconsciously.
"Well, I'm glad you're happy, but for right now, I need you to give me a dead face, void of emotion with your eyes closed so that I can get this makeup done on time."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"No worries. Just glad to be working with a happy star. Happy star means a bright and easy-going day."

Letting the thought sink in, he knew what they meant. He never wanted to be the kind of star that ruins everyone's happiness.

- -

Once done, Young K soon found that he was the last one to arrive on set when he noticed a woman with long brown curly hair in front of him tied up in a bun.

Is that..?

He crept up behind her and soon, he knew it was her. But she hadn't noticed him yet, so he decided to mess with her a bit. Leaning into her ear, he allowed his voice to drop just enough to get her attention as he spoke.

"Ready to fall for me on set?" He grinned when her stature became disturbed. "Did I scare you?"
"You and Larry are really annoying me right now." She joked, crossing her arms and taking on that playfully upset role. He just laughed. "And are those just words to yourself for comfort? I'm pretty sure you're not gonna be able to separate the film from reality after you've kissed me." She grinned. "And trust me, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. So I'm putting my bets on you falling first." he laughed in response.
"Even if I did fall for you, at least I know it'd make the scenes between us a lot more real and better. And besides, if I fall first, that means that you're guaranteed to fall for me second."

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