The Line

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The next day, Suzy woke up with a strong headache. Rolling over to feel for her nightstand, she felt a bottle and a glass tip over onto the ground. Cursing at herself, she quickly got up to clean the mess despite not being able to see anything. She soon could do nothing but keep her head placed again the bed and soon, she heard footsteps charging into the room. She tried to catch glimpse of who it was but could only wince in pain. She soon heard his familiar sigh and felt him pick her up and set her back onto the bed. She rolled over onto her face to block the light as he quickly dashed back downstairs and brought back a towel and a cup of water. Throwing the towel down, he picked up the bottle of pills and popped out two of them. Grabbing the fresh glass of water, he brought it to Suzy's attention.

"Here Sue. Take this." Giving her the pills, he had her sit up and take the pills before laying back down. He set the glass on the nightstand and continued cleaning up the the mess that she made. He wasn't upset about it though. He understood why it happened. After the mess was cleaned up, he left, closing the door behind him.

After an hour, she sat up again feeling a lot better than before, but also conflicted and full of anxiety. She kept getting flashes as to what happened last night and was afraid that they weren't just a dream. Still, she opened the door to realize that she wasn't even in her own house. After finding the stairs, she crept down them to see Brian in the kitchen.

"Hey." He breathed with a smile. "You feeling better?" She gave a hand signal to him that let him know that she was still teetering. "Are you hungry?" She nodding, which made him smile. Grabbing a bowl from the pantry, he put in it the food that he had been making. With a kiss on her forehead, he sent her off to eat in the livingroom where he soon joined her.

They sat in silence for a while, as he knew that she preferred to start her days peacefully. So he waited for her to say the first few words. After she ate a bit, she began to speak. "Is this your house?"

"Yes. Do you like it?" He smiled.

"It's nice.." She said, looking around. "Why am I here?"

"You got pretty drunk last night, so I um.." He trailed off as he scratched the back of his head when he noticed Suzy turning red.

"What all happened last night?" She asked, fidgeting with her shirt.

"You just got super drunk and said a few things that were weird." He shrugged.

"Like what?"

"Typical drunkard words like 'I love you' and such." She covered her face with her hands.

"Oh dear God." She sighed. "It wasn't a dream.. but why are you so calm about it?"

"Why would I be?"

"Didn't I ki-..uhm.." She bit her lip in embarrassment.

"What happened last night is not anything I'll hold against you, if that's what you're wondering."

"What all do you remember?" She twiddled her thumbs.

"Everything." She turned red as a tomato. "But don't worry about it. Just don't even think about it either." He said, getting up to leave.

"But we have to talk about this, right? I mean, I'm pretty sure I crossed a major line.."

"How much of it do you remember?" He asked.

"I can't say that I remember anything, but I keep getting weird flashes from last night.. Like kissing you and certain other stuff." She blushed off to the side.

"What was your last memory before you blacked out?" He asked.

"I remember seeing you hold up my hand in the air for some reason. I was as apparently sitting in your lap and then I leaned in towards your face. That's it." He internally sighed a sigh of relief.

"Do you feel like things have or should change between us?'


"Then you don't need to know the rest. Just know that when you got drunk, I brought you here to make sure you could be properly taken care of when you woke up and that's that." And with that, he walked back into the kitchen with her bowl to refill it as the memory of last night replayed in his mind.


After he had stopped her hand from going any lower onto his body, his eyes stared at her face until she leaned forward. Their lips crashing onto one another once again. He immediately responded to the kiss with his hands and tongue by deepening the kiss as he allowed his hands to roam her body. Grabbing her hips so that they would stay in place and stop teasing him, he bit his lip before going in for the kill - kissing and sucking on her neck just as he had done on set. Her light moans made him fall even deeper into the trance that he was in.

He wanted her. He desperately wanted to be with her, but somewhere in midst of realizing that he was already hovering over her, he regained his consciousness. Her addicting lips were hard to decline and it would be an even harder battle to remove his waist from being in between her legs.

It was all a deep moment of stepping over the line too far.


Biting his lip, he shook away the dirty secret he held within him and went to serve her more food.

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