Scene IV: Backstage

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Scene fades in from a black screen to see the the bell on the door jingle in view. The audience watches her feet walk inside the diner and put on her apron. The sound of a bell on the tabletop goes off as the audience begins to listen to how chaotic Li Li's thoughts are. Although there are no words, the audience feels just how crowded things are for her as all the sounds merge together into one horrific sound.

Then suddenly, the sound of the last beep sounds and the audience watches as she puts on her coat and hat. The bell on the door rings as she walks out and she gets into her car. After a while of sitting in silence, the audience watches as she sighs and pulls out the napkin with Lee's signature and message on it. Staring down at it for a moment, she shakes her head and starts the car, soon driving off.

The scene fades to the sound of fans screaming and cheering for the popular boy band. Backstage, Lee is seen as both calm and a little antsy as he sits there getting the finishing touches of his makeup done.

"Yo J!"
"Tell Lucas to come here." He nodded and went off to find him. Once Lucas was in front of him, he had barely opened his mouth speak when Lucas shook his head.
"Lucas, have you-?"
"No, sir. There have been no signs of the girl coming." Lee paused for a second before chuckling.
"Is it that obvious?"
"You've been asking me about her every night ever since. So in short, yes." Chuckling, Lee's joy was cut short when the makeup artist had to grab his attention again.

"Could you please stop moving around and look at me?"
"Oh, I'm sorry." Sitting perfectly still, he continued talking. "But Lucas, if you do see her, please bring her backstage as soon as you catch her and bring her to my dressing room." Nodding, Lucas left for his post.

"All security, keep watch for a girl with a napkin with Mr. Lee's signature on it. Other than that, you know what to do. Everything stays the same."

The manager then walked back to where the boys were to announce that it was time for places. The stage lights dimmed, letting the audience know that the boys would be out soon, causing them to go wild. Meanwhile, a frustrated Li sat in the parking lot of a large venue. She could hear he heart pounding on her chest. It was so loud that she couldn't even hear the loud cheering and screaming of fans that were less than a quarter mile away from her. The only thing that was able to snap her out of her thoughts was when she heard the concert starting. And they had decided to start with her favorite song.

Loosening her grip on the steering wheel, she collected herself before quickly dashing for the entrance. Just before she walked through the doors, though, she took a deep breath.

I hope I don't sound stupid.. After all, he could've forgotten about me already and retracted the promise.

Still, she somewhat hoped that it wasn't so.

"Ticket please."
"I-. Um.. Well, this is gonna sound a little bit odd but, I don't have a ticket. Though, I do have this.." She handed the napkin to the man who inspected it before turning away to grab his walkie talkie.
"I think it's the girl. Please send someone down."
"Oh boy. Wait till Lee Joon Kwang gets a load of this. His mood is going to be through the roof!"
"Just get here." The man said, rolling his eyes. Soon after, a security guard came and lead her backstage where she was able to watch the performance on the TV that was in the room she was in.

As she sat there watching, she began to furrow her eyebrows each time she heard his voice or the cameras zoomed in on him. It sort of irked her on how she never really bothered to notice that he was actually a very attractive guy - especially while singing. But a stranger to her could be nothing more than a stranger - no matter how handsome he was.

After the show, Lee Joon retreated to his room. Though, just as he was about to open the door, Lucas told him that the girl was there. His tired face instantly held the biggest grin he had ever seen. "Thank you, Lucas." He nodded before going inside the room and closing the door.

When she first heard the door open, she immediately turned her attention to the man creeping into the room with the hugest smile on his face.

"You're here." He breathed, gazing at her. "I can't believe you came. So how was it? Did you like the show?"
"It was-."
"Wait. Before you start talking, come sit over here with me first." He noticed her hesitation and immediately took the opportunity to tease her. "Ah, don't worry. I'm not a biter. So you have nothing to worry about."

As if that makes me feel any better.. She thought to herself before sighing and going over to sit in the red chair that was placed in front of him. He soon chuckled before looking down. "You may find this to be so weird but, even though I barely know you, I'm just so glad you're here." Awkwardly looking off to the side as she searched for some words to reply with, she slowly let them out one word at a time.

"Well.. I'm glad that you're happy." Clearing her throat, she began to remember what she was saying earlier. "And the concert was great. You all are very talented." She nodded, gripping onto the edge of her dress, avoiding eye contact.
"Did you just come from work?"
"I mean, you're just dressed as if you came straight from work, so I just assumed.."
"Oh, yeah. I did. I debated on whether or not I should go home first to change clothes, but I just figured that if I went home, I wouldn't want to leave." He nodded.

"Then that makes two of us. You're tired, I'm tired and yet.. Why do I just feel such a surge of energy whenever I get to talk to you?" He said softly to himself. "Do you think you'd ever want to come back to see another concert?"
"I mean.. Sure. I'd just have to wait until I get enough money for it."
"Forget about paying. I've got it covered. Just as I did for you tonight, I will do the same thing again. All I ask of you is that you come back here tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? What time?" He sat back, shrugging.
"That would be entirely up to you. If you have to work tomorrow, just come before or after your shift. I won't mind the wait. After all, I've already waited for you once before. Plus, I'll just be stuck doing things right here throughout the day."

She nodded.

"So.. Can you promise me that?"

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