Scene VII: Of Fear Of Men

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"On second thought.. Why don't we get out of here for once and see the city together?" He didn't leave any room for her to hesitate. "Today's my day off and it would be the perfect time for me to really get to know you." She couldn't answer. All that came out was a gesture towards him as a signal of hesitation as she sucked in some air before pausing and retracting her hand. "I'll take good care of you, I promise." He smiled, holding out his hand.


Out on the town, they hadn't said a word. To her, it seemed as though she were at a loss for what to say seeing as to how he seemed too into the scenery as he took it all in. That was, until they stopped at a set of stairs with artwork on them and he turned his head to look at her.

"So," He started, causing her to look over at him. "what would you like to share?" She took a moment to really think about what she was about to say before sighing.
"I.. As you can see, I obviously don't trust men so easily.. Or.. Even people for that matter.." Her eyes stared straight ahead at the water beside the stairs. "Although I used to be the naïve one who trusted ever dear soul, I had learned the hard way as to why one should not." She sucked in her lips as she remembered it all.

She could feel the fear she once felt when she first saw him. It still cut as deeply as she had remembered it.

"I was hurt a lot.. As a child, as an adolescent and even as an adult. I witnessed a lot of men do my mother wrong in my youth, using her for only her body and leaving her as an empty hollow shell incapable of loving anyone else until a new one came along. As a teen, I began to develop all of the attributes of a woman which attracted the most disgusting types of strangers and attention. I hid my body a lot thinking that I could get them to stop looking at me. I believed that if I could be 'ugly' to them, then that would hid my 'pretty' and keep them away." She laughed a little as she gripped her arms. "I guess I just didn't wanna get hurt like my mother, I guess.. But um.." She cleared her throat and bit her lip. "A-As an adult.. When I first came into adulthood, I decided that I didn't want to hide anymore. And so, I started slowly but sure revealing myself to the world which once again attracted a lot of those disgusting types of attention I hate the most. But there were two things that really bothered me in my early adulthood.." She clutched her arms even tighter than before. "I-.. It-.. Um-"

"It's okay." He said, taking note of her discomfort. With a hand on her shoulder, she slowly looked over at him in shock as she realized that she wasn't in that world anymore. "You don't have to tell me any more." His face was a little blurry to her, though no tears had tried to come out. "You have all the right in the world not to trust men. People can be so cruel. Even your own family.." She saw a glimpse of his pain. "So I get it. You don't have to trust me, but I thank you so much for opening your heart up to me on this."

Taking her hand into his, he looked into her eyes very warmly for a moment. And for a brief second, she for once was able to feel completely safe as if she were with someone who understands her and telling her that it's okay. It was okay to be this way and feel the things she feels.

"Are you.. hungry?" He softly asked with a warm smile again. Before she could respond, both of their stomachs rumbled, causing them both to laugh.

"I'm sorry." She blushed.

"No, don't be sorry." Turning away from her while still look at her from over his shoulder, he continued. "Let's go." Her hand in his, she hadn't noticed until she felt the pull as they headed to the restaurant.

"So, what are you in the mood for? Maybe a pizza?"

"Mm.. What about something with a little more substance?"

"Ah. Then I think I know a place." He smiled.

They arrived at a street food station that served fried chicken and rice. Settling down at a table, they continued to talk.

"So.. I assume that, because of your past, that is why you don't quite take to compliments too well?"

"They just feel so artificial and I'm a person of action. If you say I'm beautiful, great. But if you say you love me, I need to see it."

"Huh.." He grinned. She saw as his eyes changed in that moment and became that of soft clouds. The soft twinkle they gave off rekindled a chill she once had before. She couldn't help but feel as if she knew where this was going.

"Ah, actually, I.. I'll be right back."

"What's wrong?"

"I just have to use the restroom." Taking all of her belongings with her, she headed for a place where solitude was guaranteed and welcome.

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