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At work, they began filming but Suzy couldn't help but to watch Brian closer than usual - frequently checking up on him and such. Before and after each scene, she would ask him the question, "Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

To which he would smile and reply with, "Yes. I'm sure." But she knew Brian. Being set in his ways, he would never allow himself to be sick for more than a day - even if he was running himself into the ground. She sighed to herself as she prepared for the next scene when she heard the commotion that was going on over at Young K's trailer. She immediately rushed over to see what was going on. To her surprise, they had found Brian passed out in his trailer.

"Shit." She cursed under her breath as she rushed over to his side. "Dammit Brian! Why would you do this?" She immediately pulled out her phone but was stopped by the director who informed her that the ambulance was already on the way. As soon as they arrived, she took leave with them, never letting go of his hand. "Dammit dammit dammit." She mumbled to herself as she bit her lip in frustration. "Do you think that it could be his food poisoning that he caught the other day?" She asked the nurses as they worked on him.

"It could be a possibility. Though this looks more like a case of dehydration."

"Dehy..?" She trailed off thinking back to what all he had done that day. There wasn't a single moment when he took the time out to eat or drink anything first. She couldn't help but to worry about him even more. "Oh God.. is it bad? Is he gonna be okay? I mean.."

"Once he gets the IV in his system, he should be fine. But we still can't be certain of what he has until we run some tests at the hospital."

Once at the hospital, she waited in the waiting room until she was allowed to go see him. They had changed him from his regular clothes to a hospital gown and hooked an IV into his left arm. She waited by his bed for a long time, hoping and praying that he would wake up to his usual self. Eventually, she took his hand, sighing to herself and began talking. "Brian.. I know you're sleeping right now, but I just can't.. I absolutely cannot understand why you didn't tell me when you felt something was wrong. I thought that that's what best friends are for? I mean, aren't I supposed to take care of you until you get a wife and kids?" She chuckled to herself, wiping a small tear away. "I don't understand why you're like this.. Being sick does not mean that you're weak, if that's what you think. Being sick just means your body is working its' way to getting stronger. So if it's that, then you should just stop trying to act like you're strong all the damn time. Okay? Just trust me and I'll take care of you." She trailed off, wiping away another tear. "Ah.. I have to go in a few.. My next gig is an hour away from here. It's not as hard to leave you because I know you're in good hands versus being left to your own devices." She rolled her eyes, laughing a little. "But uhm.." She hummed, checking the time on her phone. "Just know that I Love You and that you need to take the full allotted time that you need in order to heal properly. Okay?" She walked over to where Brian lay and kissed his forehead. "I'll be back later, okay?" She nodded to herself before leaving.

When she returned a few hours later, she was surprised to see that Brian was already awake. "Hey." He breathed with a smile upon seeing her. She couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey, you idiot. Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?' She playfully spat, taking a seat next to his bed. He just chuckled, reaching his hand down to grab hers.

"I'm sorry." He softly said. "I thought I was fine and I didn't want to worry you."

"Ahem, Brian. What do you think I've been doing for the past few hours?" He nodded with a smile. "Do you really think I was rejoicing and having a ball because you got sick?"

"No, no. I just.. I never thought it would go this far. But uhm.. I wanna thank you." He said, rubbing her hand. "For taking care of me these past few days." She chuckled.

"This is only the second day, and technically, I'm not the one that's taking care you right now, but.. you're welcome." She winked. "You're still a big baby, though." He chuckled as she took a seat by his bed.

"They said they'll release me if I seem to be doing as good as I am now tomorrow." He said after a moment of silence.


"And that I have to stay home for another two days." He rolled his eyes.

"If you would've just stayed home like I said to, maybe this wouldn't have happened. But who knows." She said shrugging, passive aggressively attacking him.

"Ouch." He chuckled. "I guess that means you'll be the one to make sure I follow the Doctor's orders, huh?"

"Oh, you betcha." She said in a matter of fact tone. He just smiled at her as he reached his hand out to touch her face.

"Thank you for checking up on me."

"You already said that, but you're welcome."

"Hm. I guess so. But I just wanted to thank you again. It really means a lot to me to see you here."

"Brian, you know I'll always have your back, so there's no need to thank me. Plus, you can just look at this as repayment for when I was drunk." She shrugged. He just smiled, taking her hand into his and bringing it up to his lips.

"You never have to repay me for taking care of you. It's what I do." Kissing her hand ever so gently, he hummed himself into a soft smile as he further pressed her hand against his face.

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