Best Friends

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"Great shoot today, guys. We'll resume filming tomorrow." Spike Lee said. Nodding, Sook Soo Young began heading back to her trailer when she heard a voice calling after her.

"Suzy!" Turning around, she saw Young K just as he was putting his arm down. "G-great job today." Smiling at him, she nodded.
"Yeah, you too." She responded before heading back into her trailer.

Her process of removal took a little longer than Young K's and soon, there was a knock at her door.

"Who is it?"
"It's me." She rolled her eyes playfully as she thought it was just Larry trying to pick fun at her. With no response, the man just knocked again obnoxiously causing her to ask one of the assistants to open the door.

No sooner than they had when they started laughing at Young K slowly poking his head in. "Are you decent?"
"Obviously, I wouldn't have opened the door if I weren't."
"Alrighty then!" He said, excitedly jumping inside. "Are you busy later?"
"Mm. I think I may have a meeting but.. What's up?"
"I just wanted to see if you'd like to go on one of our long overdue lunch dates together."
"Let me check after she removes my eye makeup."

Once done, she pulled out her phone to check her calendar. A frown soon following. "Dang it.."
"I'm really sorry, Bri. I can't. Do you think you can send me your schedule so I can see when we're both free and we can hang out then?"
"Yeah. Here. Give me your number."

Punching in her digits, she also decided to put in her social media in his notes just in case something happened in the future.

"There. All settled. Just don't forget to text me your info."
"I won't. What time is your meeting?"
"In about an hour or so."

"W-wait.. So.. You mean-?"
"I promise you that I don't have enough time to spend with you today. This makeup and changing clothes as well as freshening up will take up the full hour and I don't want to rush when spending time with you. Okay?" Nodding to himself and stood up.
"It's okay. Well.. What if I just walk you to your car?"
"Sure." She smiled. "Just as long as you can be patient as I get ready." He sat back with a cool smile. His eyes focused solely on her reflection in the mirror.
"I most definitely can be."

- -

Some time later, she was done and stood up. "Wake up, sleepyhead. I'm done." She said, tapping his head, causing him to chuckle.
"I wasn't sleeping and you know it." He stood up. "Are you really done now?" She just smiled, holding out her arm in a loop for him to interlock his into.
"Let's go."

As they walked to her car, he began to smile brightly and chuckle. "What?"
"Ah, nothing."
"Come on. Just tell me." she shunned.
"Do you remember when we were little kids and we used to play with each other?"
"How could I not?" She laughed.
"I was thinking about how we used to play dress up together and put on shows for our parents to see. We always knew what we wanted to be when we grew up and now.." They stopped walking and he turned to face her. "Now we're it. Together. Like we always wanted." She nodded.
"So you remember our promise then?"
"It's part of what's kept me going since we fell off on seeing each other. I'm just so glad to be seeing you again.. And not only that, but to see that we're both doing well and are at the top of our game." He smiled before it faded. "Just.. Promise me that after we make this film that we won't fall off again.." She fell silent for a moment, thinking back on the day they made their promise before answering him.
"Would you like to come over sometime?"

"Yes. I'd love to trash your flat!"
"Brian!" She hit his arm as he laughed.
"Ouch! That hurt! But, yes."
"Are.. Are you sure that you don't care about how much time we spend together?" Crossing her arms, she cast her gaze to the side.
"Sort of.. But I really just care about if we do." Digging her nails into her arm, she bit her bottom lip before suddenly looking up at him.
"Get in." She watched as his expression went from confused to happy with his smug smirk.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
"And what about your meeting?"
"I won't be late. Just get in." He nodded and chuckled as he watched her sassy walk to the driver's side before getting in. Sliding on their seat belts, she started the car.

"You know this means that you'll have to bring me back here. You know that, right?" Sighing, she nodded.
"Don't make me regret this." He just chuckled as they pulled off.

Once at her place, she noticed him nodding. "What?"
"It's a nice flat."
"Thank you. Wait until you see the inside." She smiled. Parking the car in the driveway, she lead him inside. "I don't have time to give you a tour because I have to get ready, but I can do it when I get back. Feel free to explore, but not too much Brian, I know you." He just chuckled as he followed her upstairs to her room because she named off what each room was as they walked.

"And this is my room."
"It's very dim. Are you a vampire?"
"Brian, seriously?"
"What? I can't make a joke?" She cracked a smile before turning away from him and going into the bathroom. "Hey!" He shouted after her. "Aren't you afraid that I'll just burn your house down?"
"Don't worry, Brian. I trust you. Besides, I know you wouldn't want to die before seeing this movie come out." He just chuckled and sat down on the bed. Soon laying down on it, he sighed, turning over to see a picture on her nightstand.

He just smiled as he looked at it.

When she came out the bathroom, she was fully dressed and in a bit of a rush. "Okay, I'm heading out. You can watch TV in the living-room, read some books in here or eat some of the leftovers from last night. I should be back pretty soon." She said as she rushed down the stairs, not realizing that he was following right behind her. When she turned around to put her shoes on, she got startled upon seeing him which caused him to smile.

Without a word, he grabbed her by the face and gently kissed her forehead. "Still as busy as always. Be safe." She smiled back at him before leaving.

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