Out of Bounds

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"And cut!" The bell sounded after Directed Lee's voice to signal the break. Immediately, Brian's eyes fell onto Suzy's, who was underneath him.

"You wanna let me up, Brian?" She smiled, confused as to why he was still hovering over her body like that.

"Ah yeah, sorry." He rolled over, sitting up next to her on the bed. "Why..?" He started, stopping her in her tracks. "Why are you so different today?" He asked with a confused smile.

"I-" She scoffed her way into a laugh which brightened Brian's day to see her smile again. "I've had an epiphany." She shrugged.

"Care to tell me that epiphany?" He asked, propping himself up on his hand to support his head as he looked over at her.

"If I did, you'd lose." She said with a cheeky grin.

"Lose what?"

"The bet." Raising her eyebrows, he chuckled to himself.

"You're still stuck on that, huh?"

"Yes, I really wanna know."

"Alright. I promise that, no matter what, I'll tell you when this movie is over - on the night of it's premiere." She sighed, throwing herself backwards against the headboard, pouting. "I promise." He repeated.

"Fine." She huffed, arms crossed.

"You're so cute when you're upset." He seemingly whispered to her, catching her attention. When they locked eyes, he reached his hand up to her lips, softly brushing over them with his thumb before smiling down at the sheets. "So," he started again. "What's this epiphany that you were talking about?" He piped up again. She grinned.

"I guess I'll tell you now.." Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "I just realized that things only changed between us because I did. I was the only one finding issues with the scenes we have together and not being mature enough to identify and deal with my feelings. And now that I've officially dealt with them, I can move forward now."

"And, out of curiosity, how did you plan on moving forward?"

"Just move forward like we always have." She shrugged. "There really is no plan this time."

"Hm." He nodded, thinking to himself for a moment.

"What?" She asked in confusion upon seeming him suddenly get up and throw his robe back on.

"Nothing." Confused, but not wanting to argue, she nodded to herself as she reached for her robe as well. "Wanna go out for lunch?" She turned around to face him as she closed her robe.

"Look at you.." She grinned, crossing her arms. "Pervert!"


"I saw your eyes dart down to my body when I turned around. Don't try to be slick." He laughed lightly, covering his face with his hand. "But yeah.. I'll go - if you promise not to be a pervert."

"I'm not a pervert, Sue. I'm a man." He laughed. "Men naturally look at what looks good to them." Speachless, she just gave a snide grin before turning around to head back to her trailer.


When she came out, he was already outside her door waiting for her. Shocked to see him standing there, she laughed before walking with him to the car. Upon starting the engine, she looked over at him, asking, "So where are we going?"

To which he responded, "You'll see." Smiling and saying nothing else to each other, they drove in silence. Upon arrival, her smiled dropped.


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