Never Mine

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She said nothing as the limo took her back home, alone. She could only sulk in the thoughts of how 'smoothly' the day went as she de-glamified her face and body. Not long after she had made it back downstairs to grab a snack, she heard a knock at her door. Her eyes widened upon opening and the two stood in silence of each other for a while before he finally lifted his head to look up at her.

"Now we can talk."


On the couch, they sat in silence before he spoke up.

"You say you're in love with me, right?" She silently nodded as he noticed her crown of shame. Sighing, he bit his lip. "You know I can't-," He struggled to express himself. "right?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I waited this long to tell you.." He just sat there dumbfounded and baffled before finally finding the right words to say again.

"How is this fair?" He started. "How is it fair that when I'm in love you, you get to leave me in the dust; but when you're in love with me, the very thought of me even saying 'no' driving you up a wall is okay, as you just expect me to just drop everything to suddenly just be with you?" He sternly hissed. "What kind of sense does that make?"

Looking at her torn, defeated expression, he just couldn't deny that the feelings he had for her were still there. With her eyes locked onto the floor, she nodded at his words in understanding.

"I'm sorry I hurt you. I know I'm not the person you should be with, but I just wanted to tell you before you walk away from me again. Because I know that if you do and I never were to have told you, I'd hate myself for the rest of my life, much more than I already do now for hurting you the way that I did for so long." She refused to look at him as her voice quivered at the last few words she thought she might ever say to him, "Please forgive me."

She soon got up, walking away from him but was soon pulled back into the arms of the man that she loved.

"I forgive you." He sighed as he rested his chin on her head. "And for the record, none of the tabloids are correct."

"Figures.." Her eyes popped open. "Wait," She said, pushing him away. "So you're not dating Haze?"

"I mean, we tried it for a while, but she realized that I could never be fully committed to her, so she let me go."

"Then why did she kiss you backstage at the interview during the break?" He just grinned.

"It was a goodbye kiss. Just like the one I gave you back then." All of her weight melted away right then as she pulled herself into his arms again and all she could do was sigh.

Oh thank God..

Taking in his scent, she marveled in how she could touch him again without the guilt of Haze coming to mind. "I.. I just missed you.. so much.." He grinned as he lovingly ran his thumb over her face before leaning down and placing his forehead against hers.

"You know, you lost the bet anyway."

"Huh?" She pulled away from him.

"I placed my bets on you falling for me. You knew the bet all along. In fact, you're the one who made it up."

"Hm." She smiled. "I don't think I've lost if I've won." She allowed her lips to linger about his, but he wouldn't let her kiss him. "What?"

"If you ever run away from me again, I promise you, I will never come back." He said with stern eyes before kissing her.

"I promise, I won't run anymore." She breathed out after the passionate kiss. He just nodded before taking her by the hand and leading her to the bedroom where he laid next to her on the bed. His hand then reached over to run his fingers over her face in the darkness.

"I Love You Too." He softly said before pulling her close to him and gently planting his seeds of love onto her lips. Then his love traveled over to plant more seeds onto her cheek, jaw and then her neck. At this point, she was ready to melt within his warming delight that she had been longing for. And as his hands traveled beneath her white shirt, she allowed her fingers to get tangled within his silky hair. His seeds traveled lower and lower onto her body as he eventually pulled her shirt completely off along with his.

Suddenly, he stopped completely and looked up at her. "I'm so glad that I can finally show you how much I Love You now."

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