Getting Well Soon

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The following day, Brian was released from the hospital and was instructed to abstain from any strenuous activities until he was back at full health. With a duck faced grin, Suzy directed him to her car as he laughed at her expression. "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"Because I know you. You're such a trip, Brian."

"What did I even do? I just got out of the hospital!"

"Exactly. So don't even think for a second that you're driving my car or any vehicle until I know you're at 100% again." Chuckling to himself, he got in the passenger's seat and they drive off. As she drove, she couldn't help but notice Brian smiling at her. "What?" She finally piped up, though he said nothing. "What, Brian? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I just.." He chuckled as he raised his hands in defense while shaking his head. "Hey, I'm innocent."

"Okay, Mr. Innocent, why are you staring at me with such a big grin on your face?"

"I can't look at my beautiful friend as she drives? My loving, caring friend who's gonna do everything in her power to make sure that I'm alright?" It was her turn to laugh.

"Hush. It's not like you'll take good care of yourself. I mean, just look at where we just left!" He chuckled to himself.


Back at the house, she parked the car. "Just stay here while I grab a few things, okay?"

"Okay." He nodded. She quickly went in the house and began grabbing what she would need in order to properly take care of Brian and herself for the next couple of days because, of course, she didn't trust Brian to take care of himself while she was gone. When she came out to the car, Brian gave her a look.

"What's all this for? You spending the night somewhere or something?"

"I'm taking care of you, aren't I?" She retorted back before starting the car. "I'm spending the night so that I can make sure that you're being properly taken care of, okay?" She sighed, ignoring Brian's grin. Once at the house, Brian attempted to bring in her stuff but didn't win the battle without a fight. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Helping you bring in your stuff. What does it look like?"

"No. Put that stuff down, now."

"I will, when I get in the house."

"Brian, no. The doctors said you can't be doing any strenuous work!"

"As if bringing two pairs of clothes into the house is of much trouble." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Brian.." She warned.

"This will be the only thing I touch. I swear." She sighed before shooing him inside the house while she brought the groceries in. "So, what's on the menu today? Another delicious soup?" He asked as she washed her hands.

"Possibly." She shrugged. "I'm not sure yet."

"Well, don't kill me." He grinned.

"Brian, if I wanted to kill you, number one, I wouldn't be here right now, and two, you'd already be dead." She shrugged as he chuckled.

"I guess I oughtta be glad you don't want me dead, then."

"Even if I did, you can't die."


"We have a movie to finish." Nodding he watched her for a moment before going upstairs. He returned a few minutes later, hugging her from behind. "Oh gosh, you're such a big baby. What do you want?" She whined.

"Nothing. Just thanking you."


"Yeah." He shrugged.

"Brain, it's not like I saved your life while on the brink of death. So stop thanking me." He grinned.

"Okay." After a moment, she felt her mind focus more on Brian than the food.

She sighed to herself as she imagined Brian holding her just as he was, but kissing her cheek. She imagined how he would tell her he loves her and how sweet it would feel to know that he was hers. She was so deep in thought that she hadn't realized how close she came to cutting herself. "Be careful." Brian softly said into her ear. She could feel the heat of his breath dancing about her neck and earlobe. And it was only then, in that moment when she had stood up straight, that she realized just how far back into Brian she had been leaning. Setting the knife down, she immediately peeled Brian's hands away from around her waist.

"Ah, this is starting to get a little uncomfortable. Plus, shouldn't you be laying down?" Taking note of her discomfort, he took a quick gaze at her before nodding.

"You're right." He soon walked off, disappearing behind the wall that separated the kitchen from the stairs that lead to his room. Sighing to herself. She bit her lip with her eyes shut.

"Get it together." She whispered to herself before continuing to do her job. A few seconds later, Brian came back with a chair. "Brian, what the hell is wrong with you? You're not supposed to be-!"

"This is not heavy duty lifting. A chair feels like air to me. Plus, I'm not even tired, yet you want me to rest, but I want to watch you cook. This chair is a compromise." He grinned, sitting in it with his arms crossed.

"You're so stubborn." She rolled her eyes while kissing her teeth.

"So are you."

"Why do you even wanna watch me cook, anyway?" She whined.

"Well, since I love to cook, but you won't let me do anything, I wanna watch you make the food. I like to watch people cook just as much as I love cooking, myself." He shrugged. Rolling her eyes, she sighed before going back to cutting the vegetables.

"Such a big baby.." She mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?" He sarcastically said while leaning forward with a hand cupped behind his ear.


"Hm." He grinned as he settled back into his chair. Soon, his eyes went from watching her hands prepare everything, to just watching her move about the kitchen. Seeing her move about the kitchen made his mind begin to slip off into a wonderland of how things could be if she would stop running from him.

It was a pleasant world to be in.

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