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The day came for her to face her biggest fear, but she didn't feel intimidated by it at all as she got ready and tried her hardest not to think about it.

Today was the day that they would see each other naked for the very first time.

Taking a sip of her tea, she walked out the door. Once there, she parked and walked inside with a great big smile. "Ah, there she is. Goodmorning, Soo!"

"Goodmorning Mr. Lee." She smiled back.

"Are you feeling better today?"

"Yes sir. I am officially ready today."

"Great. Just head over to your dressing room and they'll take care of you."

"As usual." She chirped while shrugging, causing him to chuckle.

In the makeup room, she sat quietly as they prepared her for the scene. Her hands began to sweat as she began thinking about the fact that she was wearing next to nothing and would get to see her best friend look the same way in a bed. With slow, drawn out breaths, she allowed herself to calm her nerves before hearing that the makeup team was done. Getting up, she made her way to the set. As she stood there, she stared at the bed.

This was it. How could they possibly get any closer than this?

Suddenly, she heard a voice from behind her say something, but couldn't make out what. Turning around, she immediately sucked her lips into her mouth before turning back around and saying, "Oh, it's just you."

"Yes, it is me?" A confused Brian responded. "Why did you say it like that?"

"No reason. Just thinking."

"Don't worry, Sue. Everything will be fine." He said as he massaged her shoulders.

"Oh please. I already know I'm fine. I don't know about you, though." She playfully looked him up and down, causing him to be even more confused while chuckling.

"Where did that just come from?"

"My lips." She shrugged. He nodded, trying to piece together what was going on, but then went with it.

"Well then I guess you better tell your lips to watch out for mine then, because they're coming for them." He joked, winking at her with bitten lips. "And don't forget to tell them not to hide, either." He said into her ear.

"Places everyone." She hadn't the time to respond when suddenly, she watched as Brian went over to his side of the bed and stared at her.

"Would you like to do the honors? Or should I?"

"Aw, is someone afraid to strip in front of a big crowd?" She teased as he chuckled.

"Not nearly as much as you are." His eyes were gleaming with sexual electricity as to tease.

Keeping his eyes on her, he reached for the rope keeping his robe together and pulled the string, which revealed his torso to her. He grinned at the sight of her turning red as she unknowingly stared at his body. Suddenly, he bent down to meet her gaze. "Hey," he started, snapping her out of her daze. "It's your turn now." Nodding, she simply pulled the string and let the robe effortlessly fall off her body before proceeding to get in the bed - not bothering to cover herself entirely.

She could feel his eyes as she laid there - not paying him any mind gazing at her body. "What's taking you so long? We have a scene to film, don't we?" She teased even further, snapping him out of his thoughts as he got in the bed next to her.

"Alright everyone. This is the morning after, take one." Looking at each other as they got in place, Sue tried her best to maintain this kind of control as she laid there with her hand on this man's chest. "Action!"

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