Avoidance (Mild)

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With a smile, she let the silence take over for a while longer. Then, with a smooth, soft voice, she said, "When you both are ready, you may look away. Though don't rush it due to discomfort. It will be hard to move at first because this is a new pathway of trust you may have never thought of having with each other, but you must know that you will both be okay. If you can, try to read each other on when you want to let go. If you would like to talk, I suggest you whisper."

Getting up, the instructor watched from a distance that would ultimately make them forget her presence. But they talked without their mouths and only spoke with their eyes. He, only sending fond thoughts to Suzy, only recieved fuzzy unclear messages in return. Furrowing his eyebrows, he spoke up in a soft whisper.

"Suzy? Are you o-?" That was the end of it as he watched her walk away. The discomfort was too much for her as she found it extremely difficult for her to trust him.

But the truth was farther away than trusting him as the root of her fear.


What she feared was so much deeper.

"Suzy!" He yelled, running after her. A hand on his arm stopping him for a brief moment.
"Avoidence is common. She's afraid of something and it is best not to force her out of it. She must be willing to come out of that shell on her own." With those words in mind, he continued to go after her, determined to catch up with her.

"Suzy!" He yelled again as he caught a hold of her car before it had the chance to drive away. "Soo, are you okay? I just wanted to make sure that you're alright." After a brief moment of silence, she put on a fake smile and gave it to him.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just running behind on my next appointment." Knowing she was lying, he remembered the words of the instructor.
"Oh.. Well I won't keep you long. I just wanted to make sure."
"No, yeah. I'm fine." She nodded as she started the engine.
"I'll text you tonight, okay?" She nodded in response as she drove away.


That night, she finally mustered up enough courage to look at her phone. To her surprise, there was only one new message and one missed call. Both were from Brian.

Brian: Just wanted to make sure you're okay one last time before I go to sleep. Call me if you need anything or just wanna tall..


Sighing, she just stared at her phone, contemplating if she should text back. And then suddenly, it hit her.

'Why am I hiding? I have no reason to avoid Brian. He's my best friend and I should be honest with him..'

Hey, sorry I missed your call. I promise, I'm fine. ^^

A few seconds later, her phone buzzed.

Brian: That's good to hear. How was your day?

Suzy: it was fine. Busy as usual.

She lied. She actually hadn't been busy at all. In fact, it was her day off.

Suzy: what about you?

Brian: My day was pretty solid. Be tired a few cool places and are some good food. We should go to this one restaurant I stumbled upon together sometime.

I tried**
and ate some**

She giggled at his typos.

Suzy: Sure! Sounds like fun!

Brian: Well, I'm hitting the sack. Goodnight. :)

Suzy: 😴😴Zzzzz

Smiling to herself, she was able to finally calm down.

'I've been acting so crazy.. I shouldn't let this movie get to me.. Brian and I will be fine.' She smiled, turning over and shutting her eyes.

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