Slow Paces

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The next day, they smiled as they opened their eyes to see the other's face. "Hey. You sleep well?" He smiled, admiring her face with his hand.

"Mm." She nodded, smiling in return. "How about you?"

"Pleasantly." He smiled causing them both to laugh.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"Maybe in a few minutes." He said, kissing her hand.

"Okay." After a moment of silence, he started up again.

"Do you mind starting the day off with a deep question?" She bit her lip.

"Mm. I guess it all depends."

"It's not a bad one. It won't upset you."

"Okay. Ask."

"Do you see us together sometimes? Like, in your mind? Daydreaming?" She chuckled lightly.

"Do you?"

"All the time." She stopped laughing. Biting her lip, she felt herself turn a bit red as she turned away from Brian's gaze. "You're so cute when you blush." He said, reaching up and pinching her cheek lightly. "Let's go eat, okay?" Nodding, then went downstairs where she heated up some food for them to eat. She smiled at seeing Brian throw on his glasses as he sat at the island reading.

"So you do wear contacts." She smiled. He pulled the book down a little to peer over at her.

"Only when I have to."

"Hm.." She nodded as she began drawing circles on the counter.



"What are you thinking about?" He said, putting the book down.

"Just about what you said earlier.." She took in a deep breath before letting it loose with her eyes closed. "I do think about us. A lot more than I'm used to, I guess." She said, scratching the back of her head. "I think about us a lot, actually." She chuckled to herself. "It's part of the reason why I keep resisting. I mean it.. it just seems to be all so perfect in my mind and I don't wanna risk messing all of that up in real life."

"Is it something I did?"

"No. Not at all. It's all me. Like I told you before."

"Can you share with me some of the things you see for us?" She chuckled.

"Only if you do the same." He grinned while nodding. "Well, I guess to be fair, I could say that most of them involve us already being committed and happy together."

"You mean married?" He grinned.


"It's cool. You can say it. I won't run." His eyes seemed to dance in a particular style as he took his glasses off and allowed his attention to zoom in on her.

"Yes." She rolled her eyes, earning a chuckle from Brian. "It's crazy though, because I only see the small things that just feel really nice."


"Like.. cooking together and enjoying each other's company." She shrugged, taking a sip of her tea.

"Care to elaborate?" She sighed.

"Like you holding me before we go to sleep or like how you did yesterday in the kitchen and such."

"Hm." He grinned, picking his glasses back up again.


"Nothing." He said, picking up the book.

"Well, then it's your turn."

"I imagine us doing a lot of things. Waking up to see your face every morning is one of them. Kissing your lips is another."

"Why so specific on the kiss?"

"I mean, kisses can go anywhere. I just wanted to specify to be sure." He shrugged, chewing on his glasses as his eyes traveled down to her lips. "I love kissing you." He stated plainly before returning his gaze to her eyes. By then, she was already biting her lip as she stared back at him for a few seconds before breaking her gaze.

"Here." She said, placing the bowl in front of him. He just glanced down at it before looking back up at her.

"Don't run from me." He paused once he caught her gaze. "Tell me your thoughts."

"I.. I love kissing you too." She ran her fingers through her hair as she felt her heart beating out of her chest. "It's addicting.." She closed her eyes.

"It feels so good to hear you say that when you're not drunk." Her eyes popped open.


"You said a lot of the same things when you were drunk. I'm just happy to know that they were sincere."

"Oh my gosh.. What all did I say? And don't be vague this time." He chuckled.

"You told me a lot of things, actually. You let me know that I was sexy, that you often times couldn't tell the acting apart from reality and that you wish it were real." She clasped her hand over her face in shame.

"Oh God.. remind me to never drink like that with you again." He chuckled. "Did anything else happen? Please be honest.."

"We kissed." It was now his turn to bite his lip. "I'm sorry. I know you were drunk, but it.. it's just so hard to say no to you.."

"I get it. Did anything else happen?" She nodded, hoping that nothing else had happened.

"You want the honest to God truth?" She sighed before taking a seat beside him.

"Tell me everything.." Taking a long sip of his coffee, he never took his eyes off of her before finally telling her everything. "Oh my gosh." She covered her face with her hands.

"I'm so sorry. I lost myself in the moment and I just-"

"No, no. I get it. I just.." She sighed. "Wow. I always hoped I wasn't that type of drunk that did weird things like that.." She soon felt his fingers beneath her chin lifting her gaze.

"As sorry as I am that I couldn't control myself any better, I'm glad that it happened. It was the first time you'd opened up to me in a while." He trailed off as his eyes began exploring her face once more. Before he realized it, he felt himself gravitating towards her face, closing his eyes along the way. Her heart beating rapidly, her persona stayed calm as she, too, closed her eyes.

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