Coming Clean

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Suzy: Brian, can we talk?

His phone lit up with the message that night and immediately, he called her. She didn't answer it though which left him in confusion as to why she would say something like that to him if she wanted just the opposite.

Suzy: Not on the phone, but in person?

Without a second thought about it, Brian got up and quickly got dressed, throwing his jacket and shoes before heading out the door.

Brian: Are you at home?

He asked when he was right around the corner.

Suzy: Not yet

Brian: I'll wait for you.

Time flew by and pretty soon, he could see her car pull into the driveway, but she didn't park in the garage like she usually did when she got home. That alone let him know that she was feeling a little off.

He watched from his sideview mirror as she got out of the car. Her entire being seemed to be a mess. Although she, herself, still looked nice and pretty, he could obviously see and feel how messed up she truly was. Without a moment's hesitation, he got out of the car and decided to wait for her by the front door. He didn't want to push his boundaries in a moment like this.

When she finally did come to the front door, she said nothing to him and didn't bother to look at him either - even when unlocking the house. Stepping inside, they took a few steps in before she stopped - her back facing towards him. "Sue?"

"I-I'm sorry." She started. His heart cracked at the sound of her voice and he instantly began to melt his tough exterior, immediately rushing to face her, although her head was still looking down at the floor. "I haven't been completely honest with you."

He couldn't help but to want to hold her tightly against him or to just hold her face so that he could see her features and her eyes would tell him everything. But he also knew that in this moment, if he did anything, he may risk shutting a box that needs to be emptied while it's still open.

"I know I haven't been a great friend lately and that I've been hiding my emotions from you when I know I shouldn't do that, but I-.." She began getting chocked up. "It's hard. It's all so hard." He couldn't hold back anymore.

He couldn't just stand there and watch his best friend cry her eyes out like that without saying a word or doing a single thing. And so, he held her. Despite know all consequences, he knew he could let her suffer like that any longer. And so, he caved.

"I'm so sorry. I'm just so scared." She cried within the security of his arms. "I just love you so much and I-. I just get so scared." Placing his chin on the top of her head, he slowly began to rub her back. "I'm scared that my love for you will change or maybe yours will, and I-"
"Shhhh." Kissing her head, he stood there slowly rocking her as she cried.

They stayed that way for what seemed like hours, but he could care less. She needed him and he, no matter what, was determined to be there for her - and she would do the same.

"Let's sit, okay?" She nodded in response. "Please stop crying." He softly begged once they sat down.

"I'm sorry. I just-"

"And stop apologizing. There's nothing for you to be sorry about. Nothing is your fault, so you shouldn't be putting yourself through this much pain. Why do you do that?"

"I guess I overthink things and have a negative mindset."

"Well, starting today, we'll change that." Nodding to him, she finally looked up at him. When you cry, it hurts me. I can feel your pain, so don't suffer for both of us, just be happy for us. Okay?" She nodded and he wiped away her tears before kissing her forehead. "I love you, okay?" She nodded again.

"Please just let me tell you-."

"Tomorrow. You seem to be too stressed to do it tonight."

"Will you be here tomorrow?" Her eyes begging him to say yes.

"Do you want me to stay?" He watched as she softly began to shake her head and he knew then that she was battling herself to say these next few words.

"I don't want you to leave."

The words were very hard to say for her. It were almost as if she were trying to catch a bullet between her teeth, but that was also how she knew that that was truly what needed to be said.

"Then I won't leave. I'll be right here, okay?"


"Get some sleep." He said, bringing her close to lay on his chest, slowly rubbing her back and head while humming until she fell asleep.

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