The Drunken Line

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"And cut! Thank you for today everyone! Enjoy the rest of your night!" Director Lee called out.

Brian immediately got off of her to throw on his robe but was stopped by a hand on his arm. "Brian," She started. His eyes looking back at hers. "Wanna go out?" It was his turn to blush.

"You mean..?"

"I meant drinking." She laughed. "Jeez." He smiled at her.

"Sure." And with that, they both went to their respective trailers, got fixed up and walked out to their cars, hand in hand. "So which bar are we heading to?" He asked. She just shrugged.

"Whichever one's your favorite, I guess." He chuckled.

"What makes you think I'm a drinker like that?" She put her hand on her chin as she looked at him.

"You just seem like the type that would have a favorite bar." He scoffed with a smile while shaking his head.

"Wow, woman."

Upon entering the bar, the barterned greeted him. "Good evening Mr. K."

"I told you." She snickered as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey Tim." He responded, taking the card from Tim before walking Suzy down a quiet hallway.

"What's that for?" She finally asked. He just simply whirled around, whipped the card out - waving it in her face with a malicious grin - before swiping it against the slot that unlocked the door.

"This is our private bar room." He grinned as she looked over the room.

"Hm." She grinned as she heard him close the door. "So how many strippers have you had in here?" Her arms were crossed.

"What?" He replied in an alarmed tone causing her to laugh.

"I'm just messing with you, Brian. You must really love to be alone if you drink alone." She began walking around the room, exploring as she usually did in new places.

"I don't always drink alone." He said as he began fixing the drinks.

"Oh, so you do bring strippers here?"

"No, Sue. I don't." He rolled his eyes.

"Then you just bring your one night stands here for some privacy, am I right?" She giggled, biting her fingernail.

"And you call me a pervert.." he sighed.

"Oh come on. I can't mess with you?" She asked in a playful tone as she mounted the seating area to watch what he was doing.

"Even if I had told you not to, you'd still do it." He shrugged, pouring the liquor into their glasses.

"My goodness, you're a pro at this." She said, taking a glass. He quickly slapped her hand away. "Ow!"

"Not yet, you alcoholic." He soon added the finishing touches to the drinks.

"I'm not an alcoholic." She grumbled. He then walked over to the seating area and took a seat beside her. Handing her the drink, she looked at him. "Is it really okay if I take this now?" He just grinned.

"Yes, Sue. I won't slap your hands away." She nodded with a smile, taking a sip.



"You must really want me to get drunk. This mug is good!" They laughed.

"Well then I guess you better watch yourself." She chuckled in response as she took another sip.

Time passed as they drank and talked when Sue had obviously gotten drunk. "Oh my gosh, Brian.. You were so good today." She giggled before sighing. "That scene was the hardest thing I've ever had to film in my entire life. Which is why I asked you out to drinks to celebrate getting though it." She smiled.

"Hm.." he smiled. "You're drunk, aren't you?"

"Nooo." She blushed. "It's just.. it's just you.. you made me like this." He chuckled.

"Okay. I think I should take you home now."

"Nooo. Not yet. I just.." she began making little circles as she laid on his chest. "Brian, you're just so handsome." He chuckled again. "And you know what else? You're such a good actor."

"Thank you, Sue."

"I mean you're really good, Brian." He began to chuckle. "You're so good that I can't even tell if you're acting or not when you tell me you love me." He stopped laughing. "I mean I.. I want it to be real and I want you to love me, but I just.. I can't tell.. But I guess that's good because that's what actors do." She touched the glass to her lips, causing Brian to think that she was about to drink more, so he tried to take it away from her. "Stop!"

"You've had more than enough to drink, Sue."

"I wasn't even about to drink! Gosh! You're so mean!" She pouted. Her eyes eventually traveled down to his lips. He knew that she was staring - her drunken state made it obvious. "There's that too.. Your lips." She touched her fingers to her lips. "My God, they're so addicting.." She whispered to herself. "The way you kiss me makes me explode inside. Your kisses drive me wild. Especially today.. A-and and you know what else too? Even though there was a protective layer between us for that scene, I could still feel you." She nodded, patting his thigh. "It r-reeally made me wonder what it would be like.. being with you." He blinked. He couldn't believe his ears, but shook the thought away.

"You don't mean that. You're just saying all this craziness because you're drunk."

"I wish I could say I'm saying this because I'm drunk, but I'm not.." She bit her lip as she swayed a little to the side before picking herself back up. "It's just that I really.. really need to get this off my chest before I lose all my confidence again." She placed her hands on both sides of Brian's face and pressed her forehead against his. "I Love You, Brian." He could smell the alcohol on her breath, but also couldn't help but wonder if she was truly being honest. "I love kissing and being with you. A-and-d I wish that I could be with you forever."

"Well, why don't you?" He asked.

"I'm just so scared.." She whispered as she began to cry. "I don't want to lose you." Pressing her forehead back against his, she allowed her lips to brush up again his. "What if I mess things up-?" His lips silenced hers as they began to go at it.

Wrapping her arms around him, the kiss deepened as she felt his hand lightly squeeze and pull her thigh close to him.

The room was hazy to the both of them as they just focused on each other. Pulling each other closer and closer, she allowed her hands to roam his body, going lower and lower until he caught her hand. Looking into her eyes, he realized what exactly he had been doing..

- he was losing his mind.

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