Platonic Intimacy

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Both of them could feel each other's energy within that hug and were feeding off of each other to keep the balance. He could feel her shaking ever so slightly as she hugged him. She was scared, but he wasn't sure of what. When the time was right, he prompted her, "Let me look at you." She took a moment before parting from the hug. He raised his hand, looking for permission and got it, before touching her face. "Are you okay?" He asked, truly concerned. She nodded before returning to the hug for a little while longer before pulling away.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Looking back up at him, she said "Thank you." before ripping her gaze away again.

"Great work. You two will be used to each other in no time. Though please do mindfully spend more time with each other outside of these sessions. It will help you improve a lot." Walking over to them the instructor continued. "Please take each other's hands and when you are ready,  share with the other person your thoughts. Whether it be how you feel or something else, just make sure that you are both listening to each other as if it were the most important words one could ever say."

For the next few minutes, it was silent. No one said a word, because he felt that it was important that whatever she had to say, that she must be the one to say it first. Eventually, her words came to her and spilled out one word at a time.

"I'm sorry." She started. "I'm sorry that I've been so distant from you lately... It's just not something that I'm used to having... And... I am only here today because I have promised myself not to run away this time. I sat in the car and I was late because I was trying to mentally prepare myself for..." She sighed. "For intimacy. For this. And I realize that I may be afraid of that..." She laughed at herself lightly. "As a matter of fact, I am. I know I'm afraid, but I don't know why if nothing that we're doing is real? And so, I guess I-.. I don't know... I'm just sorry, I guess."

She kept her head down, not looking at him. She knew she couldn't, despite wanting to. All was quiet for a few moments and then it was his turn.

"Suzy, you're my best friend. These years of departure have never hurt us no matter how much we may have wished that we could've had more time together, but I know now that I'm glad that everything has happened the way that it has. Because if it hadn't, we probably wouldn't have gotten this far in life. We now get to fulfill a dream that we've been holding onto since we were little kids. And those two little kids have never gone anywhere..." He placed his hand underneath her chin and had her look up at him. "I think that your greatest fear is having this film break us apart." He paused to look for any signs of being right and all of the signs were there. "Despite being apart all of these years, I still know you. I still feel your emotions when you're hurt and even when you're happy. So I think that right now, I can say that I trust you and you can trust me. The film is just a film, but what we have is forever."

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