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"How could you be so sure?" She questioned.

"I can't be. But I do know that if I am willing to work at it and you are willing to work at it, then.." he trailed off, getting lost in the sweetest desire. "I know that we'll be okay." He smiled.

"Hm.." she hummed, chewing on her lips and avoiding his gaze. He could see her going red in the face, which caused him to smile even more.

"You're so cute when you get like that." Said his silky sweet voice. Immediately, she looked over at him, c.a using her to blush even more upon seeing his bright smile.

"2 steaks and.. who ordered the chicken alfredo?" Ask the waiter.

"She did." He replied.

"Here you go, love. And the lemonade?"

"Ah, that would be mine.. again." She shyly admitted. Placing the drink down in front of her, the waiter smiled at both of them.

"I hope that you enjoy the food. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you need something else." Brian thanked the waiter and he left, leaving them to sit in the silence.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Brian asked.

"It just doesn't feel right."

"It's free food. How can it not be?"

"Not everything is about food, Brian." She retorted back.

"For you, it is."

"Shut up." She said, scrunching up her nose before swishing her lemonade around with her straw. "You want my ice?"

"Shoot. I forgot you don't like ice. I'll just ask for a new one."

"No, it's fine. I don't wanna make a big deal out of things."


"Brian, just take the ice if you want it. Okay?" Staring at each other for a moment, he finally gave in.

"Okay." Spooning the ice into his drink, she slowly began to smile before finally getting to sip the lemonade without fear of it being watered down. "Are you ready for the next scene?" He asked. She bit her staw, looking away. "Ah, I get it. You must be scared." He sighed happily.

"No I'm not."

"It's okay. Just know that I'll take good care of you." He winked.

"Pervert." She rolled her eyes. "It's not necessarily you I'm worried about. It's having to moan and do all of those crazy things in front of an audience."

"So you're comfortable with me?" He grinned.

"No. I-. Ugh. Dammit Brian." She sighed before taking another sip of her drink.

"I can help make to it easier for you, if you wish." She raised an eyebrow.

"And pray tell, how, Brian?"

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve." He grinned as he raised and lowered his eyebrows before taking a bite of his food.

"You're such a pervert."

"How is everything?"

"It's great. By the way, could we get the bill and to go boxes?" Brian asked.

"Sure. I'll be right back with them."

"You better eat something before we go. You're gonna need all your energy and I can't have you passing out in front of me."

"You've already said that, Brian."

"So why aren't you eating?"

"I don't know.. I'm just.." She sighed. "Thinking."

"Try not to think so much. I promise you'll do well. Don't worry, okay?" She nodded.

"Try this." He held up his fork to her lips and she bit it. He knew that this was the only trigger she needed to start eating like a vaccum cleaner - which she did - and nothing could've made him happier.


Back at the studio, they got undressed and threw on their robes again. Upon coming close to the bed again, she took in a deep breath as she closed her eyes. She soon felt a pair of hands on her shoulders as a voice began to softly speak into her ear. "Everything's gonna be alright. Just relax." He kissed her cheek. "Are you okay?" Nodding, she responded positively before getting in the bed and shedding her robe - her back facing the man that watched her from where he stood before sliding off his robe and joining her.

She tried her hardest to remain relaxed as he began to kiss her repeatedly all over her face and eventually opened her eyes. She saw Brian - which was a bad thing. All that she could see and think of was Brian within that moment until he snapped her out of her thoughts with his sudden change in gaze, which let her know that she screwed up.

"Dammit. What is your name?" She finally blurted out, causing the crew to laugh along with Brian as they reset the scene.

The second time around, when Brian's character (Lee) was kissing her neck, she moaned out Brian's name - which embarrassed her to the core. Covering her face with her hands did nothing but let everyone know that she was blushing. With a small smile, he whispered into her ear, "Just relax, okay? Let me do the work and everything will be fine." She nodded and he looked over at Mr. Lee. "May we please have five minutes to get everything together?"

"Sure. Everyone take five." Director Lee begrudgingly said. And with that, Brian looked into Sue's eyes, searching for the connection he needed before he kissed her.

"Just relax, okay? Don't think about them, think about me. And even then, don't think about me as me. Think of me and Lee. Okay?" Nodding in response, he leaned in to kiss her again. "That's it. Just relax. You think you can handle this now?" She nodded again and Brian gave the okay to Director Lee.

They began rolling again and the scene resumed. The way he kissed her made her feel as though they weren't acting. She somewhat envied her character and subconsciously mourned the fact that after this, she would possibly never have to chance to be this intimate with him again. And so, she allowed herself to live within the scene - causing certain small things to be off script.

But what surprised her most of all was when she realized that he had somewhat been feeling the same way.

She felt him poking her a bit on her thigh. Their eyes eventually gained one another's full attention as the scene continued and she tried her hardest not to worry about if he had been mixing his feelings with the scene - but she couldn't help it.

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