Scene IIV: See You Again

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Camera transitions to her bedroom where the door swings open and the audience sees an exhausted Li Li plop onto her bed. A long and loud moan preceding the previous action causes the audience to laugh.

She postponed it for days. The very thought of what had happened left her numb, yet shaken. Internally, she replayed the scene in her head and tried to make sense of it as well as look back on the previous times she had seen him.

Did he think he could just get me to sleep with him just because he's famous? But he doesn't seem like that type of guy.. Ugh! What am I thinking? I don't even know him.. But I like his music..

"Ugh, why?!" She exclaimed in frustration as she swept the floor.
"Why what? What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing.. Just.. Don't worry about it."
"First of all, you can stop being a bitch-."
"I'm not even-!"
"Stop. No. Listen. You're obviously stressed, so tell me what happened." After making her sit down, Nini's eyes stared at Li Li's waiting to hear her spiel. Sighing, Li Li caved.

While explaining everything about the incident, the audience watches the interaction from the previous day as a memory.

"I don't know what to do or what to feel at this point." She sighed, rubbing her temples.
"I think you're just very disappointed in yourself in two different ways that won't work if you keep them together." Giving Nini a confused look, she continued. "Part of you is upset with yourself for being so rude to a guy that you might actually truly like - not saying that you get attached fast. I'm just saying that music opens the windows to the heart a lot quicker than any words will." Li Li nodded. "And secondly, you're upset with yourself because, despite the fact that he's an idol, he's still a man. A man that just so happened to find joy in being creepy and rude that first time you met."
"So essentially, I'm upset that I ruined my chance to impress someone I didn't even realized I wanted to impress and I'm mad at myself for not being strong enough to just think beyond this.."
"Exactly. And that's okay. Just forgive yourself."
"Okay." She nodded.
"You don't have to be the independent woman all the time. Besides, I feel like you need to relax anyway. So, going to the concert would be great for you anyway."

"Don't be like that. You obviously need closure."
"But what if he sees me?! That's insane! Why would I go just to see him again if I don't want to?!"
"Li Li.. Maybe the truth is right in front of you and you're just choosing to be blind to it."
"..Wha.. What do you-?"
"Maybe you really do want to see him again, but your stubbornness is getting in the way of your happiness. You don't wanna live the rest of your life in regret over some words you should've said or heard when you had the opportunity, now do you?" On that note, Nini walked away, leaving Li Li to think about her words for a few minutes before getting up for the day's shift.

The day flew by like any other, but it all seemed to go by a lot faster than usual because she was so lost in her thoughts over the previous day's interaction. When her shift ended, she threw on her coat, hat and scarf before heading outside where she was stopped as soon as she had gotten her foot out the door. "Hey." She looked up at the truck in front of her. "Let me take you home." Nodding, she got into the truck, soon going into a daze as she stared out of the passenger window. Upon arrival, she opened the door to get out when she heard, "Let me stop in for a minute." Nodding, the two went to her apartment. "Go freshen up and rest. I'll make you some tea."
"You're tired from work too, Nini."
"Yes, but I'm not the one who's sulking." Sighing, she didn't dare argue. She hadn't the energy to.

Upon getting in the shower, she felt the instant relief of her worries being casted away for just one moment until she realized that she had been humming and singing the song again. Hitting her fist against the wall, she allowed her body to slide down the shower wall as she tried to forget that the song and that guy ever existed.

Once out of the shower and dressed, she was greeted with a tray of tea and Nini sitting on her bed with a laptop. Sitting next to her, she grabbed the cup and began drinking. "Thanks Nini."
"Don't mention it." After a moment of silence passed, Li Li began to get curious.

"What are you looking at?"
"Looking into concert tickets for a show."
"Huh.. Which one?"
"I don't know. I'm thinking maybe their last show would be fine."
"No, not that. Which band or group is performing?" Nini stayed silent. "Nini?" She said, suspiciously.
"Who is it?"
"Who is what?"

"Okay fine! It's that boyband!"
"Why are you-?"
"Because it's a day off of work for me and a problem solution for you."
"Why are you even buying tickets when I have the thing to get us in anyway?"
"Because I don't think that the signature is redeemable for two. Plus, that's your business. I don't wanna be there when you talk to him. I just wanna enjoy myself at the concert."
"Who says I'm even going?"
"I am. You don't have to," She said, closing the laptop. "I'm just strongly suggesting that you do because you don't have a lot of time to think about it either."
"What do you mean?"
"Their last show is in a week. Which means you have until then to decide."

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