The Premiere of Love

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She thought the day would never come since her nights were always so long and wet with her tears. But oddly, two days before the event, she found that she had run out of tears and could only lay there in bed, blankly staring at the ceiling as night turned into day, and day into that night.

Now that it was time, she opened the front door upon hearing the signal that her hair & makeup team and stylist were there. She felt like a doll as she sat there, stiff and lifeless - just a frozen glamorous face that was about to go to an even more glam, yet daunting, premiere where she was once again the star. Yet, even as she sat in the limousine gazing out of the window, she had nothing but the feeling of being nothing more than a lifeless, hollow doll.

A doll that many would die to be like.

Upon arrival, she stared forward at the driver's seat until her door was opened up and the man of her dreams helped her out of the vehicle.

"Are you okay?" He said, leaning into her ear as they hooked arms.

She then took the time to blink in a way that taunted him before plastering on her famously fake smile, saying, "Let's go."

He couldn't help but to worry about her, but he couldn't tend to her in public. It was their time to shine - even if what shone was fake. They posed together for a few pictures on the red carpet that only seemed to appear muted to them. He then took note of how she was refusing to look at him when he attempted to pull her face for a pose that would have them look at each other. Instead, he just ended up being the only one to look at her in the end as she stared at the cameras with her glamorous look.

A few seconds later, they then moved on to be inside the theater where she unhooked her arm from his and attempted to walk off.

"Suzy, stop!" He hollered after her. She paused, taking a moment to gracefully turn only her head to show that he had her attention. "What's wrong with you? I know something's up, so tell me what's going on."

Instead of replying normally, she just dodged the question completely by snapping her attention back to the scene in front of her and again attempted to walk away, to which Brian replied by physically stopping her by turning her around and grabbing hold of her by her upper arms. He then attempted to look into her eyes, but she wouldn't let him no matter how much how tried.

"Soo.. Please just tell me what's wrong.." Desperation was written all over his face. He hated to see her sad. It was the last emotion he would ever want to see her wear.

"You wouldn't understand.." She lightly shook her head.


"And.. I don't think we should be doing this right now.. So if you'll please.." She slid his hands off of her body and finally succeeded in going up and finding the spot with her name on it which was - as expected - right next to the leading man's. There was no escaping him and she would just have to bare through the film with the thoughts and feelings that she now so desperately needed to hide as opposed to wanting to - because she no longer wanted to hide her feelings for him. She figured that, at the very least, he had a right to know - despite already having a girlfriend. Yet, she did not want to do that before the movie. It would just make things more uncomfortable for the both of them.

And as the lights dimmed down, she took note of the shadow the that took their seat right next to his. With the leftover soot that was the remainder  of her heart for him, she tried to ignore the voice that was just one body away from her that took away the chance that she once had. Suzy couldn't help but to cry silently at the scenes where she saw their romantic interactions play out all over again, but she didn't dare to reach up and wipe away a single tear. She didn't want a single soul to notice her pain - especially not his girlfriend.

But, to her dismay, he still noticed and was now offering her his handkerchief to use. Her eyes, within that moment, traveled from the handkerchief to his face and quite possibly lingered a little too long before she finally took it quickly with bitten lips and eyes that refused to look his way again.

Once the movie was over, she plastered on her fake smile again as they took their last photos together inside the theater and applauded everyone that made the dream happen. After a photos were taken, she didn't hesitate to find a secluded place that would surely draw Brian's attention with one look.

"You seem lost, but knowing you, you're more than likely intentional with where you've placed yourself right about now.." He said, leaning against a nearby wall as his eyes settled in on her. "Are you ready to talk to me now?" She bit her lips from the inside with crossed arms before sighing and nodding.

"I.. You know I Love You, right?"


"Okay.." She nodded before turning away from him. "You can go now."

"Suzy, I don't-"

"I Love You, Brian.." He fell silent.

"I know, you just-."

"No, Brian.. I Love You." He fell silent. "I.. I realized it about a week or two after we last saw each other.. at your house and I just.. I never could find the right time or words to say it until I saw the tabloids.." She sighed. "The tabloids were giving me the perfect chance to ask you about if the allegations were true, which - at the time - I thought they weren't because you texted to check on me. It.. It just made me feel good that you'd do that.. But.. But then I saw her.." She felt her eyesight getting blurry. "Haze.. She's such.." She wanted to eat her words, quite litterally, so that she could avoid saying them. But she eventually got them out. "She's a good one.. for you.. I believe.." She suddenly felt her head being lifted up to look into Brian's glinting eyes.

"I don't think right now is a good time to talk about this.." He said with snake-like eyes before letting go of her face and walking away. "Let's go.." He said over his shoulder.

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