Scene VI: Stories of the Past

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She soon found herself laying in bed, unable to sleep, thinking to herself about the things he had shared with her earlier that day.


"Would you be willing to get to know me, while allowing me to get to know you?" Taking note of her hesitation and loss for words, he just simply smiled and looked back up at her. "Well, I guess to make it fair, I oughtta tell you a little something about me." He started with a smile, unsure of the outcomes of his rashness. "I was born in a city that was just like this. Now, I don't know how keen you are on geography but-"

"I'm not stupid.." She crossed her arms, causing him to chuckle.

"I never said you were." He seemingly whispered the words to her. "But.. The place where I was born didn't have a lot of people - or.. too many people, I should say - in it. The only difference is that the grass grew to be pretty high back there as opposed to all the sand that's here. The homes of the people that stayed there were pretty small and every person knew what had been going down in the next house, but never spoke a word about it - not even to the police - because everyone always kept to themselves." His face seemed to twist painfully with a slight mix of nostalgia before quickly covering it up with a smile. "Ah.. I- um.. Had a sister who was three years younger than me, but she went missing when she was about six years old. The place where I stayed was so quiet and private, and yet still so nosey that they all said nothing when my father went around asking if anyone had seen her go missing. No one would answer their doors - and even if they did, they would never offer a word of help. So when the day came that it was revealed that my sister's body had been found rotting away in a nearby neighbor's house, I vowed to get out of there and never be as ignorant as they had been to us."

She watched as his pained expression became that of stone as a tear came into view. With a quick sigh, he looked over into her eyes with the brightest smile. "The only good thing about that town was that it created a strong drive for me to leave and be nothing like them. So far, I guess I don't look like I'm one of them."

"You don't." She blurted, catching his attention. "You.. don't look like you've been through that much pain. And yet, I guess that's what makes you a great performer. You Seem to give each show your all."

"Hm." He grinned. "Alright. Now it's your turn. Tell me something interesting about you. And don't worry, it doesn't have to be very personal or grim." Suddenly, someone came to the door and she saw his smile quickly fade away knowing who it was. And so, he turned and said, "I'm sorry, but I have to go handle this. When you come back here next time, it's your turn. I can't wait to hear about you." He smiled before closing the door behind him.


Sitting up in bed, she couldn't get over the fact that he would trust her - a total stranger - with such fragile information. She couldn't possibly understand why.

What was causing her even more confusion was the fact that she had no idea what to talk to him about in return. She kept thinking that since he had trusted her, she should trust him return to bring forth balance in their relationship.

Am I being stupid? Should I just not-..? But then again.. She began to think of Nini's words again and with a sigh, she turned the lights off and forced herself to go to sleep.

The next day, she went by to go see him again. The staff led her back to the dressing room, as usual, and when she had reached the door, she was about to enter when she had heard voices inside.

"Bro, you cannot be serious about this chick. You need to get your head together."
"I'll handle my relationships just as you handle your own." Lee said casually, pulling the shirt over his head.
"Why are you like this?"
"Like what?"
"Why are you being so difficult?"
"It's not like my seeing her will disrupt your life or the band's in any way. Just leave me be. If I get hurt, I'll figure it out. Maybe even get a good song out of it." He shrugged. Jun looked at him in disbelief.
"I can't believe this.. How can you think this low of yourself?"
"Whoah, what are you talking about?"
"How could you just sit here and say this stuff as if you just don't value your heart? As if you'd just sell yourself for a song?"
"You know what, I don't care what you think Jun. I can't fix your perception and I don't intend on wasting my energy trying to when I could've spent it with her - where it makes sense to me."
"Well, you make no sense at all to me."
"Well good. It should only make sense to me anyway. And why do you care so much, Jun?"
"Because I know you."
"No, you don't." Jun stood in shock before nodding.
"You know what, maybe I don't. It's your life. Do what you want with it." He spat before leaving with a huff. She came in the room soon after, escaping the deadly eyes of Jun.

She was only able to catch a glimpse of his distress when his eyes landed on her. That famously bright smile soon returned which turned into a grin. "So," He began. "Ready to tell me that story?"

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