Tease Tease Tease

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Y/N P.O.V.
I had been teasing Roman all day. My tiny petite body and attitude made me very giddy and almost innocent. I would skip past him and grip his thick butt and giggle skipping away. I would walk up and stand on a box whispering dirty things in his ear. I could tell he was distracted and frustrated. The very last time I did something he was bent over to grab a water bottles so I walked up and licked his neck running away. I heard him growl out and I ran into my locker room. I turned my tv on watching his match and he was completely distracted. He got pinned and rolled out of the ring. He looked very angry. I turned the tv off and started packing my bag. I heard loud foot steps before I heard loud knocking on my door that startled me. I walked over and opened it slowly and there was that sexy Samoan I had been teasing all day. His hands on his hips and his mouth almost turned in from anger. I peeked my head out and his eyebrows furrowed. He pushed the door open and walked in sitting down on my couch. I looked at him and he curled his finger and I shut the door and walked over. He patted the seat next to him and I sat down. He took a deep breath and then looked over at me with a smile. He gripped my neck and I gasped and held his wrist. "Is this what you want little one? Huh? You want for me to fuck you brains out? Are you truly ready for this? I'm telling you right now Y/N I've had my eyes on you for so long I need to know if you were being serious or fucking with me?" He growled and I looked it his eyes with a smile. He gripped my neck harder causing me to squeak. "Answer me." He gritted. "Yes daddy I want you to fuck my brains out. I want you to fuck me so hard I can't walk. Please give me your cock daddy I'm so ready and wet for it." I begged and he loosened his grip on my neck. "Good girl now get on your fucking knees slut." He growled and let go of my neck and I got on my knees in front of him. He unbuckled his pants roughly sliding them down letting his huge member spring free. I stared in amazement it was so thick and long and there was a large vain that ran from the base to the tip. He sat up in the chair gripping a clump of my hair in his hand. "Suck." He said deeply and I instantly put my mouth around him and began sucking slowly. He held my head as he sucked in a harsh breath. I looked up at him innocently as I went father down. "Fuck." He muttered throwing his head back. I tried swallowing around him but he was way to thick. I coughed as I fought the urge to gag. I looked up at him as my eyes began to water. He finally gripped my hair pulling me off his now wet member. I breathed heavily looking at him and he smiled. He picked me up putting me on the couch my arms on the back and my knees on the seat. He pulled my shorts and underwear down and slapped my ass. I squealed and kicked my feet lightly. He slapped me over and over again until my skin was bright red and burning. I breathed heavily and whimpered as he ran his rough hands of the marks. He lined up with me and shoved in and I moaned loudly. "Ohh my god daddy." I moaned as he thrusted into me at a fast pace grunting. I felt like my whole body was on some love drug. I was completely oblivious of how loud I was screaming until Roman put his large hand over my mouth bringing me to his chest. "You gotta be quite we are still at work babygirl we can't get in trouble." He said thrusting deeper into me making my eyes roll back. I looked up at him furrowing my eyebrows and whining feeling myself clench around his thick member. "Come for me babygirl." He said running a hand down to my bud and rubbing it in circles making me explode around him. My legs shook as I felt Roman slow down and release inside me with a loud groan. "Take that babygirl fuck!" He grunted into my neck biting down lightly. I breathed heavily as he lightly ran his fingers up and down my torso. He lightly kissed my neck picking me up bridal style and bringing me into the shower turning the water on helping me wash off and get dressed. I sat on the couch as he packed his stuff up. I curled into a ball and fell asleep. I few minutes later I was shaken lightly. "Babygirl you ready to head to the hotel?" He asked and I noticed his hair was wet and slicked back in a messy bun. I nodded and he picked me up throwing me over his shoulder grabbed our bags and opened the door bringing us to his rental setting me in the seat and putting the bags away driving to the hotel. Once we got there he brought me too his room laying me down and getting in behind me. "I like role playing babe." He said kissing my neck. "Me too Rome me too." I said turning around and giving him a few kisses. "Next time you should be a cop." I said and he chuckled. "Whatever you want baby. Whatever you want." He said and I smiled. "Good maybe we should fuck in our ring gear?" I said and he hummed. "I love the sound of that idea babygirl but let's get some sleep ok we gotta eat a good breakfast in the morning." He said kissing me once more before turning the lamp off. We slowly drifted asleep.

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