Sleepless Nights (Multi-part Story)

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James's POV

I stayed up all night. I just couldn't get to sleep anymore. It was starting to effect how I act. I hope I didn't seem too tired to Adam. I really wanna have fun this weekend. I laid in bed and checked my phone. It was 3AM and I've tried everything. I counted sheep, drank warm milk, put on noise machines, took walks. Nothing worked.

Everytime I do get to sleep I get this same nightmare and then I appear in the middle of the street. I'm so scared. I need sleep though. Vidcon is coming up fast. I'm already forgetting the lyrics to my own song. I just felt sick, maybe I was. I went downstairs to get another cup of milk. I passed by Adam's room and peeked inside. It looked like a mess.

There a suitcase at the end of his bed with clothes thrown all over the place. Weird how he had several Common Sense sweaters. All his stuff was thrown on the ground. I shouldn't of asked him to pick me up. He needed more time. But than I saw Adam, peacefully sleeping. At least someone could sleep well tonight.

I left his room and I went to mine. I drank the milk and tried to get to sleep. It worked. Too well.

Adam's POV

I woke up and got dressed. Then I went downstairs for some breakfast. I didn't see James. However the window was open. I didn't open the window. While pondering I heard someone knocking on the door. It was James. His hair was messy with leaves and sticks in it.

"James! What happened?" I asked concerned. James just shrugged. "Did you get kidnapped? Did you climb out the window? What the fuck man?!?!" I had a million more questions but James just say down and slammed his head on the table. He looked really sleepy. He had huge eye bags under his eyes and he looked weak. "Did you sleep well last night?" This got James attention.

"What? Never better!"he said.

"Well why were you outside?"

"I want for a walk."

"In shorts and a t-shirt?"

"Yes." he said acting as if this was normal.

I cocked my head. He's not serious. He can't be. No one walks around at night like that or in the morning. He's tired. I sit next to him.

"Even if you did go for a walk that doesn't explain why your hair has leaves in it or why you climbed out my window." James grumbled. "James. I'm your friend and I'm worried about you, please tell me what's wrong."

James got up. "Let me take a shower then we can talk."

I let James go upstairs while I made breakfast. You can't work on animation on a empty stomach.

I waited downstairs before I started eating. James walks down and sat in front of me. He doesn't seem to look so tried as he did before. But he still looked sleepy.

"So, what's wrong?" I asked again.

"Well. I honestly don't know. Everytime I go to sleep I have this terrible nightmare of being hunted down. I've escaped from torcher and I need to get out. Everytime I wake up from that same dream I'm on the street. I don't wanna get run over so I stay up. But than some nights I just never get sleep. It sucks. I wasn't tired because you came late. I saw your room was a mess. I'm sorry you had to drop everything for me."

He looked so sad but I just tried to cheer him up. "Hey it's alright. If you want you can nap here and I'll keep a close eye on you. Then if you start sleep walking I'll be there and I can watch over you."

James smiled. "Thanks Adam."


While James was getting some sleep I was animating my next video. As soon as I was starting to get into things I heard a crash. It came from the bedroom James was in. I ran up the stairs and saw James. He broke a glass and he was running around. He just shoved me to the side and ran down the stairs. I went after him. "James! James wake up! James!"

I kept calling his name but as soon as I did he turned around and stopped running. I held his arms. "Calm down. Your safe. No one is trying to hunt you down it's all just a dream." As soon as I talked to him he feel on me. I carried him back into bed as he snuggled into my sweater. I lied him down and I sat near the bed in case he got up again. I feel asleep beside him.

James's POV

I woke up. To my surprise I wasn't in the street. I wasn't shaking or crying or suffering. I was safe in bed. I started to wonder how come but then I saw Adam. Adam was sleeping on the floor. To my left I saw the cup I forgot to bring back downstairs broke. I decided to clean it up. But I woke up Adam.

"James are you sleep walking again?" he yawned. I looked at Adam. "Sorry I caused another mess." He looked at me and shrugged it off. "Don't worry about it. I do it all the time."

"Do you wake up on the street?" I asked

"Uh no. I just break stuff."

We both laughed. "Hey Adam. You mind sleeping in here tonight?" He blushed and nodded. Almost walked out of the room but I walked back in. "Oh yeah and Adam?"

"Yeah?" he said perking his head up.

"Thank you for everything you've done. Really, thanks."

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