Confession (One-Off)

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James' POV

"My next video was almost done, but there was still something I wanted to add but I needed another opinion. That's why I came to you before I go to Adam." I said to Jaiden.

"I think it's a great idea. It's about time they know about it. Plus, you can't keep it from them forever some people already know or have suspicions." Jaiden replied.

"Thanks Jai." I said preparing myself to talk to Adam about it.

Once we met up we just started talking until I got to what I came over for. "Hey uh Adam, there's something we need to talk about."

"Sure thing James just shoot."

"We've been together for over a year now and I think it's time that we let other people know about it."

Adam looked confused. "But we told all our friends though..."

"No I mean our fans. Well because people are starting to notice and I want to let them know. It's not telling them out whole lives it's just like in the end card or something like that." I said nervously. "Of course, we if you don't want to we can."

"Oh that's it? Pfft- Sure James I'm fine with it. How about in your next video I do the end card with you and then we tell them and in the beginning of my next video we'll do the same thing."

"Oh ok thanks Adam." I said smiling.

"No problem Jameson.".

A week later I was ready to start the end card but Adam tells me that it isn't the best time. Something about visiting family. So I wait until the weekend only for him to tell me he's going to the dentist. I waited another few days and then he tells me that he needs to take Thurnis to the vet. It was like he was avoiding me or didn't want to talk to me.

The next day Adam told me he got sick and was staying home. I offered to come over but he said that it was too serious. Since Adam was too busy I decided to go do some grocery shopping. It was pretty normal until I bumped into someone. I knocked over everything they were holding. "Sorry." I said helping pick everything up. "It's alright." They say picking it up too. I looked up and we both realised who it was.

"YOOOOOU!" I said pointing at him. I was pretty angry at him for lying to me. So much was going threw my head and I saw him.

"H-hey Jameson."

"Why did you lie? We're you lying this hole time? Are you ignoring me? Are you mad at me? I can't believe you would do this Adam! Did you even think about how I felt?"

"Whoa! James calm down. I know you have every right to be mad but let me explain some where else please." he said looking at me. I just went along with it because I wanted a good explanation.

Adam's POV

I could tell James was mad. I didn't know he was going to be at the same place I was. We both went to my place and James sat down in a chair.

"All right! Explain." James said.

I just slapped my hands on the side of legs and sat in front of James. "All right, I'm scared. I'm scared of what we're doing. When we first got together we told each other no one would know, over a year later were telling everyone. It's going fast and I'm worried. I'm sorry for lying to you James...."

I felt James put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey. If you don't want to do it, then I don't want to."

"But I DO want to tell them. I'm just worried."

"Adam, I love you. I'll be with you the hole time. Your not gonna be alone. And if you get any bad feedback, we'll deal with it together."

I hugged James. "In that case, I have an idea." I said.

"Hey everyone, I'm here with Adam from SomethingElseYT and we're gonna be playing Pictionary!" James said while I drew.

I wanted to tell everyone in a Livestream while playing a game. James choose Pictionary. We would be answering questions as well. I tweeted it out so people would know we were streaming and as people finally settled it was about time. "Should I tell them or should you?"

"You can do it Jameson." I said.

"So, this might be shocking to some people but it's time we tell you guys."

"Don't throw your phone out a window or smash your computer." I added as a joke.

James chuckled. "Anyway, Adam and I have been dating for almost a year in a half now."

I watched as the chat was getting slammed with comments. I had to slow the chat down so I could read what people were saying. It was still too fast but besides a few weirdos, the chat was pretty positive. We renamed the stream the "Jadam Stream". It's some weird name someone suggested.

We played for about an hour and answered people's questions about our relationships until we both were tried and we're ready to end it.

"Thanks for watching everyone. Go check out my boyfriend Adam's channel where your seatbe-" I interrupted James by giving him a kiss on the cheek. "The chat told me to...." I said. I felt my face heat up a bit until James grabbed the collar on my shirt and pulled me into a kiss. I could only imagine what people were saying in the chat but I didn't care. I kissed back and we ended the stream.

"Nice job, Adam." James said. I could tell he was blushing.

"You weren't so bad yourself you cheeky marshmallow." I said nudging James' arm.

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