Aladdin AU

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(Ok. I know this I probably pretty lazy for an AU. That's because it is. I'm not gonna recreate the whole movie with Jadam. I just wanna do the magic carpet ride part. I'm sorry :( Hope you still like it though. I'm still on break but I wanted to put something simple out. Also if you don't know the story of Aladdin for some stupid reason, go watch the movie kid!)

James stood on the balcony of the castle. He looked up at the night sky and sighed. He wasn't looking forward to his parents forcing him with another random princess to rule with. They only likes him for money anyway. He was one of the richest sultans in the world.

He just wished that someone liked him for who he was instead of for money. He wanted to marry for love, not for riches. He wanted to change the rules so he could marry whoever he wanted. He didn't want a princess, he wanted a prince. Like the guy he met in the town. But he was dead. The man that made his heart melt was gone forever. Maybe in another life he'll get to meet him.

Suddenly, a prince rose from the ground up. He let out a smug smile, showing off his fangs and bowed his head. "Hello Prince Jameson." he said. James rolled his eyes at the prince. "Beat it Prince Ali, I have no interest in seeing you or marrying you." James said looking away.

"I'm not asking you to marry me at the moment Prince. I-It's just uh your eyes." the prince said looking at James, "There very beautiful. Your hair is very soft."

"Give it up Ali! I'm not some prizes for you to win by flattery. I'm not an item! I'm a person just like you..You think I'm gonna fall just because you're the only prince to come here but the truth is I'm not!" James said in anger.

A large would started to bark at Ali. She growled at him, not afraid to back down. "Good puppy, good puppy." Ali said while removing his hat, revealing two pointy horns.

James turned around and saw his horns. "Do I know you?" he asked. Ali quicky put his hat on, hiding this horns. "No, why would you know me?" he asked. James sighed and pet his wolf, Floof. "I'm just thinking of someone I met at the market place." he said, sadly.

It was quiet between the two of them for a while. Ali looked up at James and felt a little bad for how things went. "You're right ya know. You aren't some prize to be one. You should be free to make you're own decisions. I'll go now." he said, as he jumped off the balcony.

"No wait!" James yelled.

"What!?" Ali said back.

"How are you floating?" James asked. He looked over the balcony to see Ali on a flying carpet. "Woah! A flying carpet! I always wanted one."

"Do you wanna go for a ride? We could see the world and get out of this dump. N-not say-ing you're home is a dump!" Ali studdard.

James giggled and looked up at Ali. "Is it safe?" Ali nodded. "Do you trust me?" he asked. "Sure..." James replied. Ali helped James on to the carpet as the started to fly. "Hold on!" Ali yelled.

James held on to Ali's waist in fear for what was going to happen. When he opened his eyes he saw the town below and the beautiful night sky above. His eyes sparkled as he felt the cool wind blow through his hair. He looked over at Ali who was starring at him. Ali loved to see James' child-like excitement as his eyes fluttered. The twinkle in his eyes just made Ali's heart melt.

"I can show you the world
Shinning, shimmering, splendid.
Tell me prince,
now when did you last let your heart decided?"

Ali sang as he placed a nearby flower into James' hair. James blushed and smiled as he felt something inside of him. It was as if he was finally falling for someone.

"I can open your eyes
Take wonder by wonder.
Over, sideways, and under
on a magic carpet ride.

A whole new world;
A new fantastic point of view!
No one to tell us no or where to go
or say we're only dreaming.

A whole new world;
A dazzling place I never knew!
But now that I'm way up here it's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you!
(Now I'm in a whole new world with you!)

Unbelievable sites!
Indescribable feelings!
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling!
Through an endless diamond sky

A whole new world
Don't you dare close your eyes
A hundred thousand things to see
Hold your breath—it gets better
I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be

A whole new world
With new horizons to pursue
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you

A whole new world
(A whole new world)
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us "No"
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming.

A whole new world
Every turn a surprise
With new horizons to pursue
Every moment, red-letter
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you!

A whole new world
A whole new world
That's where we'll be
That's where we'll be
A thrilling chase
A wondrous place
For you and me.

James leaned on to Ali and cuddled him. Ali happily excepted as he looked down at him. It was a success. His plan was working.


"This is a so magical!" James said happily looking at the fireworks. The two were on the roof at some temple in China. "It's a shame Thurnis had to miss this."

"Nah, he hates fireworks."

"Ha! I knew it was you Adam!" James said pulling off the hat. "Why would you lie? Did you think I was stupid, like I wouldn't find out sooner or later?"

"No Jameson! I just thought if I told you, you wouldn't want to hand out with a demon street rat like me." Adam said looking down. "I'm not good enough for you."

"Adam, your the first person to actually try and make me happy. You showed me that you care. You even faced your fear of heights for me. Tonight was amazing. Maybe, we could do it again sometime if you're up for it?"

"Y-yeah. I would really like that Prince Jameson."

"Just Jameson."

James grabbed and cupped his hands around Adam's face. He placed a soft kiss on Adam's lips. Adam was shocked at first but excepted as he leaned into the kiss. The two broke for air and James smiled at him. "Come on you adorable idiot, take me home." James said going to the magic carpet. Adam didn't respond as he was still processing what had just happened.

James laughed at Adam's shocked expression. "I really like you, ya know." James admitted. "You are not a street rat, you're good enough for me. I'll go out with you anytime." James said.

Adam smiled and looked down at him. "Thanks. I really like you too. I'll be sure to come back for you." James pecked Adam's cheek as he stepped back on to the balcony and back inside the castle. Adam sighed loving, as the magic carpet brought him back down.

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