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Coronavirus or Covid 19. You've all probably heard of it by now. Hell, how could you not? You wouldn't just be living under a rock, you would be living in space! Even they know what's going on. Anyway, my Dads James and Adam, and I are staying in our house. This wasn't too bad because they were former animators on YouTube. Adam would just record music from home and James would just make comics from my house. You would think it would be easy for us. Well you're wrong.


James started working on his comics early in the morning. He didn't like working before the sun came up but he had to because Adam would be making music and refused to stop. It hard for James to focus on making stuff while Adam was loudly playing. James took a sip of his cup of coffee and kept working.

"Jameson. Jameson? JAMES!" someone yelled. James jumped up and screamed as his husband broke down laughing. "Nice one Adam." James said in a monotone voice."

"I know. You should probably sleep in bed instead of on your tablet."  Adam chuckled.

James groaned and turned around. "Maybe I wouldn't have to if someone would turn down there awful music!"

"Hey, my music is great! I love creating and the money we make from albums keeps this is from going broke. Definitely more important than you're comics." Adam said.

"I get make more money than you do in a year Adam!" James snapped.

The two began to argue loudly. In the next room Ella woke up to the sound of her Dad's. Ever since the whole lockdown happened the sound of them fighting was her alarm clock. She walked downstairs to go have breakfast as the two fought. She heard  two doors slam and some loud music playing. "Everyday, I deal with man-children." she muttered.


James lied down on his bed and tried to close his eyes. He's been drawing for hours and needed a nap. As his eyes shut he was jolted awake by loud music playing in the background. "Keep going, you made blow the house down!" he yelled. Adam kept playing as James plopped his pillows over his head to try and drown out the music.

Adam didn't stop though. He enjoyed his music and he was super proud of it. He was gonna prove that his music was good. Suddenly he heard nothing. He turned around and saw that James pulled the plug on his music. "Hey! I'm trying to work."

"Can you wait? I'm trying to rest. You can annoy me in an hour or two." James yawned.

"Annoy you!? I'm working and you're getting in the way! Can you knock it off and let me play?"

"Me knock it off? You knock it off! All I listen to everyday is you're stupid song and you praising yourself for making it. Are you that full of yourself. You're ego is too big!"

"At least it makes you're stomach look small." Adam thought about what he said and started to regret it. He chuckled and calmed down. "Ok, Jameson I-" Before Adam could start his apology James slammed the door, shaking the whole room.


Ella sat in her room and looked at her phone. She would normally spend time with her Dad's but she didn't like being around all the yelling. "Hi Hails, you free?" she asked.

"Yeah what's up?"

"I just could really use some cheering up right now. There arguing again and it's driving me nuts. They don't know how lucky they have it and they waist their time fighting. So many couples are planning to get divorced now. What if they're one of them?"

Hailey signed and looked at her screen. "I wish I could hug you right now. You're so cute when you get all worried. They love each other too much to divorce. Under all that bitterness is a couple that cares about each other. You just gotta bring out the best sides of them that's all. Like if James was about to get eaten by a whale, Adam would swim after him right?"

"I guess..."

"If Adam was gonna get attacked by a bear would James let him?"


"If a clown haunted James would Adam let that clown get the best of him?"

"A clown?"

"Hey clowns and scary and you know that. Man I hate clowns." Hailey said shuttering at the thought.

The two laughed and started to smile. "I really miss you. I miss you holding me in your arms, your brushing my hair, you cuddling me." Ella mumbled.

"Hey I miss you too. I miss you're tail wrapping around my leg and you telling me when I get things wrong. But we'll see each other soon. We'll go on a date and it'll be normal again." Hailey said.

Ella sighed and smiled. "I have to go. My phone is gonna die any minute now. Bye Ella."

"Bye Hailey. I love you."

"I love you to-" Hailey said. The screen went out and read "Lost Connection." Ella held back tears as she put her phone down.


Ella walked downstairs to see James and Adam in another scream feast. One of them was cooking Mac and Cheese on the stove, which was about to burn. She knew this couldn't go on.

"Stop!" she yelled. The caught the two's attention, as they looked at her. "Everyday it's the same fighting and screaming! Knock it off. I'm so done with hearing the petty insults and stupid arguing. You don't know how lucky you guys are! Most people can't even wake up to see their loved one's face. Some of them are never gonna see their loved one's again because of this illness. I don't even know when I'm gonna see Hailey face to face again. Yet here you two are, yelling and screaming at each other. This is the last thing we need. You guys are taking each other for granted and that's wrong. Now go to your rooms."

"You can't make us go to our rooms. I'm 28 years old!" Adam pouted.

"Don't talk back young man!" Ella snapped. Adam fearfully went to couple's bedroom. "What are you looking at?!" Ella yelled. James quickly follow Adam and shut the door. (Ella don't play guys. She do not play.) Ella sighed as tears fell from her eyes. She sobbed silently thinking of Hailey.

James and Adam sat in their room silently. Tension built in the air as they sat next to each other. They looked outside and saw the sunsetting off in the distance. It was beautiful.

"James, I'm really sorry about everything. I do take you for granted. I don't mean to it just happens. I'll take a break from all the music so you can work and I'll try being more quiet."

"I'm sorry too. You're a great singer and I love your music. You work so hard on it and I'm so proud of you. I take you for granted too. I'm so happy I get to spend everyday with you." James admitted.

Adam kissed James and smiled. "I love you Jameson~" Adam muttered. James giggled, "I love you too Adam." James pecked Adam's lips and Adam just pulled him closer.

James leaned his head and Adam's shoulder as the two watched the sun set. Adam focused on James' sparkling eyes slowly drift to sleep, sunlight shinning on his pink cheeks. Adam yawned and laid James down in bed.

An hour later Ella popped her head into the room. "Hey are you guys done now? I miss Hailey a lot and I um..." James and Adam moved over as  Ella quicky ran over to her parents, her face still wet from all the crying. They held her close and comforted her.

We're Something Odd TheOddOnesOut x SomethingElseYT + One Shots [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now