Mistletoe Mystery (One-Off Special)

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Last night James hosted a party to celebrate Christmas before everyone leaves to see there families. Jaiden, Tim, Illy, and Adam came to the party. Tim put on a movie for everyone to enjoy. Adam and James were started drinking while snuggling. Next, they played video games and the two started flirting. Jaiden and Illy found it amusing. Near the end of the night, Illy pointed out that James and Adam were under the mistletoe and James kissed Adam before they all feel asleep.

James woke up the next day with a massive headache. He was on his couch for some reason and he looked around. He saw Tim sleeping in a chair, and Adam sleeping next to him. His memory came back to him and he finally remembered what happened. It was an awesome party but he kissed Adam. James prayed Adam didn't remember.

James decided he would treat his guest to some breakfast but before he did he took down the mistletoe down. James started to cook up some pancakes.

Jaiden walked downstairs. "James? What are you doing?"

"Making breakfast. Wanna eat before leaving?"

"Alright." she said sitting down at the table.

One after the other, Tim and Illy both got up and started eating food. James stood around them t address his issue. "You guys remember what happened last night right?"

"Yeah. You and Adam really liked each other." Illy said.

"That's the thing. When Adam's drunk he doesn't remember stuff. So I need you guys to make sure he doesn't remember that I flirted with him or kissed him alright?"

"James I think your overreacting." Jaiden said taking another bite out of her pancake.

"Please! This might ruin our friendship and I don't want it to be weird now." James begged.

"Fine." said Jaiden.

"Sure." said Illy.

"Whatever." said Tim. "Also can I get extra, these are really good!"

Adam woke up last and he got up but stumbled a little bit. "Ugh what happened. I feel like I got hit in the head with an anvil."

"We're having pancakes for breakfast. James is a great cook. You should try them." Tim said.

Adam sat down next to him as James served him a plate. "Oh I remember now. We had a party. Don't remember what happened during it though." Adam said eating his pancake. He seemed to enjoy it as he ate more. James smiled as his friends enjoyed his food.

After breakfast, everyone left except Adam who was looking at all the decorations trying to find out what happens. "Adam, what are you doing?" James asked.

"Trying to remember the party. Do you remember?" ( The 21st Night of September. I'm sorry for the song reference.)

"Uh no. I don't remember a thing." James said. Adam could tell James was lying. He had the look on his face. Adam wanted to find out what happened last night but he needed to shower first. "Hey James, mind if I hang out here today?" "Oh no, you can stay." he said. Yes, now Adam can find out what the hell was going on.

After a shower and changing clothes Adam went back to James' house. He was playing with Floof at the moment. "Hey James, hey Floof." Adam said.  James waved and Floof barked cheerfully.

"Wanna play some games while your here?"

"Oh sure thing." Adam said sitting on couch. James put on Mario Kart. A memory hit Adam quickly. "We played this last night. Everyone was laughing and having a great time. And you were saying something to me."

"Uh. How about Mario Maker instead!?!" James said taking out Mario Kart and replacing it with Mario Maker 2. Adam looked at him confused and just played the game.

James got up to go prepare for Floof's walk. "I can't leave Adam in here alone. What if he starts to remember stuff like with Mario Kart. He's probably trying to remember stuff right now! I gave him Chirstmas cookies."

James though and walked over to Adam to see him waking around observing everything in sight. "Adam what are you doing?"

"I remember you feeding me these cookies last night and we were talking about something while playing Mario Kart. We got close or something." Adam said.

"Ok your walking with me. Come on dude." James said while grabbing his stuff and walking out with Floof in a leash. Adam just shrugged and followed.

The fresh air was good so Adam could think about the info he has so far. There was party last night, we played video games and James and him were complementing each other, he feed me cookies, and we got drunk. Somethings were missing but he was starting to remember small stuff like Illy, Tim, and Jaiden all calling him and James a couple. Maybe they knew something.

Adam called Illy first. "Hey Illy, how's it going?"

"Just having a good time with my cats. " she said.

"Um, do you know anything about last night?"

"Um...I got bad connection. I don't know what you said."

"Illy your at home."

"The cat jumped on my phone, no don't press-" Illy hung up. It sounded like she was faking the whole thing. Next Adam called Tim.

"Hey Tim what's up?"

"The sky. How's it going with you Adam?"

"Good it's just about what happened last night and James."

"Look dude, nothing happened last night. Don't worry. We all just had a crazy awesome party and then we got drunk." Tim said.

Adam didn't believe him but he was nice enough to just take what he got. There was just a few questions though : If it was a normal party then why did James not want him to learn anything about last night? Why did Illy act so weird? Why did he feel down know that something between him and James happened last night?"

When James was done walking Floof they went back inside. It was starting to get dark outside. Adam looked for some movies to watch while some memories came back. Tim picked  movie. We all watched. Then James...."Holy crap."

"What's wrong Adam?" James asked walking over to his friend.

"You kissed me last night!?"

"What no? Why would you think that?" James asked.

"I remember it now and Jaiden texted me about it." Adam told him.

James covered his face with his hands. "I was trying not make sure you didn't remember. Ugh, I'm so sorry. I'm an idiot." James said.

"It's ok James. Think of it was your Christmas present to me. And I should probably give you one back."

"Don't Adam, don't do it because you feel bad."

"I'm not. I'm doing it because I feel the same way about you that you do to me. I love you James." he said holding James' hand and kissed James. James was surprised but melted into the kiss.

"Merry Christmas Jameson." Adam said.

"Merry Christmas Adam." James said back kissing Adam.

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