Mafia (Part 2)

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James' POV

It's been a while since I've seen that Adam guy. We talk on the phone a lot so that was good. I couldn't wait to see his face again. Today we were having a meeting in the office. Normally, it's for planning an attack of some sort.

"Alright, now that we're all settled," the boss said putting down his coffee cup. "Today, were finally gonna plan out the death of one of the strongest and richest members of the mafia. He's not on our part but he is in the Demon Mafia. You all probably know the name Adam Ortiz."

My heart dropped as I heard his name. "Why would we go after Adam? " someone asked.

"Because the Demons Mafia owes us a lot of money. Hundreds. But I'd we take out one of their richest members than we'll make sure we get payed. And if not, we'll kill more."

This isn't fair! Adam didn't do anything. Yeah he's rich and stuff but he's not the leader. He's just a popular person in his team. The attack was planned for this afternoon. I have to try and save him. After getting all the details about the attack I sunk out of the building and went home to call Adam.

"Hello?" Adam asked.

"Adam! It's me James! This is super important." I said frantically.

"Look, I'm at work right now can this wait?"

"No. My mafia is planning to kill you the afternoon."

"What, why? That would cause a huge issue across the USM (United States Mafia)."

"I know. They want money that you're group apparently didn't give them."

"What?! We're always giving them stuff and now they wanna kill me for it! Why those ungrateful assholes. I dare them to come and kill me today. I'll bet the shit out of them!" Adam said angrily.

"What are you gonna do Adam? I don't wanna lose you..."

"Don't worry about me Jameson. I have a plan. Let me just break as friends out of prison first..."


It was 2:45. In 5 minutes Adam would be murdered. I hope he really did have a plan. There he was, Adam in his black and red jacket and hat walking alone on the street. Just than, they jumped him. Tears formed in my eyes as I watched them tear him apart.

"What's wrong James?" someone asked as I sobbed.

I looked up at the voice and saw Adam in a black and blue jacket. "Adam!" I cried as I hugged him tightly. I felt him hug back, it felt good to be in his arms.

"Wait, if you're here then who's that?"

"That's my boi Maaz. Busted him out of jail this morning. He took my place, don't worry he has extra protection. They'll know it's not me before he gets hurt." he explained.

Adam quickly grabbed my hand and hailed a cab. "Here's my other friends, Sultan and Rush. There our ride out of here." Adam said. I waved at the two and they waved back at me. Sultan quickly drives away as we all start to relax.

Suddenly, we hear someone shooting at the car. "Guys, we have company!" Rush yelled out. Behind us were the group who were trying to kill Adam. "Sultan, go faster. We'll handle-" "No!" I yell at Adam. "No you can't stick you're head out there. They'll shoot you. I'll take care of it." I insisted.

I stuck my head and fun outside the window. The driver looked shocked as they saw me. Rush and I both started shooting at the car. Some police officers came by and told us to pull over. Obviously, that wasn't an option.

As we tried to lose both the police and the mafia by a sharp turn, Rush dropped his gun. "Fuck!" he yelled. It was all up to me at this point. My hands were shaking as I tried to aim for the wheels of the car. If I shot the wheel I could slow the car down.

As I started shooting the front wheels, a bullet hit the back window of the car. Glass flew inside. Adam ducked his head. I could see the fear on his face as he looked over at me. I became determined to win in the end. Without shaking, I shot the front wheel and than shot the front of the car. The driver died and the car quickly crashed into a nearby building. The police pulled over to the accident, which gave us a chance to drive away.

"We did it!" Sultan celebrated as he parked the car near what I assume to be Adam's house.

"Nice job guys, you can go pick up Maaz. " Adam said opening the door for us to get out. Once he shut it the two sped off.

"You know, I never expected such bravery from a kid like you." Adam said.

"I never expected you to be such a coward." I teased.

We both laughed as Adam looked over at me again. "But in all seriousness, thank you. I would be dead right now if you didn't break the rules and helped me. That was really nice of you and kinda devilish. You were really loyal to me today, it's my favorite thing about you, and that you're really cute."

I felt me heart flutter as I heard him say that. I held Adam's hand and smiled. "You know, I probably do need a job now and someone to protect me since my boss definitely won't like what I did." I hinted.

"Alright, you stay with me and I could probably get you a job in the Demon Mafia. But, you have to do something for me."

"Haven't I done enough?" I asked him. He chuckled at my reply and tighten his grip of my hand.

"No James, all you have to do is maybe go to dinner with me."

My face heated up. "What?"

"I'm asking you out on a date James." he laughed.

"O-oh. Yeah sounds fun! I would love to." I said. "Just no shooting and car chases."


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