Not Alone - (Happy Vent?)

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(Suicidal thoughts. I mean it's not as much as most vent stories but still.)

Adam's POV

I sat down at the lunch table by myself. I looked at the disgusting school lunch that was given to me. I sighed as I watched all the other kids walking around me. They were heading to sit with there friends. Wish I had any.

I hated my last group. They we were friends for a while and treated each other with kindness but they didn't care about me. They only wanted what I had. They hung around me because they could use me. I was easy to put down.

Now when I walk through the halls they tease me. They make life so hard to live. Why is living such torcher anyway? I sat down and opened a book. I was making a letter for my family to tell them what happened to me. By the end of this week I won't be with them anymore.

As I tried to eat some lunch someone walked up to me. He sat down at my table and looked at me. "Hey, you're Adam from art, gym, ELA, and math right?" the blond said. I looked up at him and nodded my head.

"How come you're on your own? Where's your friends?" he asked. I looked back down at my food. "They weren't good friends. They were pretty toxic actually. I stopped hanging around them."

"Well, if you don't have anything else to do you can come and sit with me and my friends." I looked up at him I'm shock. He was gonna let me sit with him? "Really?" "Of course Adam."

"No one deserves to be alone."

He took my hand and walked me over to his group. Jaiden, Tim, Rebecca. They were all actually really open to having me around. Turns out he had a lot in common. Music, video games, comic books, drawing. It was as if everyone got along perfectly. They all actually cared about each other. They didn't leave each other behind or mock each other. It was as if they were a family.

I didn't have to eat lunch alone anymore. Lonely afternoons at recess, planning out my death became fun afternoons about talking and interacting with others. Long sleepless nights became long conversations over the phone. It was as if the world got a little brighter.

But not everyday is as bright as the next.

Some days I would revert. I would go back to these toxic people. I would let there words consume my thoughts. I would do evil acts for them. Despite the warning of other, I wouldn't listen. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be. I'm supposed to be a puppet, used only for entertainment and the gaining of others. Maybe I'm not supposed to be happy.

I walked up to that dirty blond boy. "Adam what's wrong?" he asked. I looked him in the eye and asked him, "Do I really belong here? Do I really deserve to be with you? You all treat me like I'm someone special. You tell me all these nice things. You say that I'm important to you. But am I? I'm not special. I'm broken, scarred, destroyed. Everyday I break some more. I'm evil and you guys are all so nice. You treat as if I'm this angel who can do no wrong but I'm not. I'm a fraud. I'll never feel the way you do about me. I'll never see myself the way you guys see me. I'll never be enough for you. And when you finally realized that, you'll leave. You'll insult me and you won't want me around. Just like I was before."

The dirty blond pulled me into a hug right hug. "You are important Adam, you're important to me. I won't hurt you Adam. You're my best friend and one of the nicest people I know. You belong Adam. You don't deserve to be alone. You are not alone." I violently sobbed into his blue and white striped shirt. He didn't let go of me. "Thank you..." I told him.

Jaiden, Tim, Rebecca, and James always kept me company. They made life worth living again. I ripped up the suicide note I wrote down. No way was I going through with it. Life is too fun. As long as I'm with them, I'll be ok. And I was.


I got up from my work desk and walked into the blond's room. I knocked on his door and he smiled at me. "Hey Adam, what is it?" he asked. I kissed his forehead and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Thanks for not leaving me alone."


("Stop making stories about your real life!"

Me : "I don't give a fu-"

Haha so yeah that was another real life story. That was fun. You know who you are, and if you don't I'll explain but I kinda made it obvious. Happy Mental Health Month and shit. Everything is starting to reopen so that's good. Lol anyway. See you all later bye.)

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