Indoor Camping ( One-Off )

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( First of all. Thank you all for over 1,000 reads. I'm so glad you guys enjoyed. Second of all I hope you all had a amazing Forth of July if your in America. After that let's continue. )


James was lying on his bed petting his dog as he looked online. He was randomly scrolling around until he got a text from Jaiden. "Hey James, doing anything important today?" she asked. James texted back. "Nah just resting after another video. What about you?" "Nah just here with Tim. Wanna come over? I'm inviting Adam here too. I wanna show you guys something." James got out of bed and agreed to come over. Adam also agreed to pick James up on the way.

"Wait you have your trumpet?"Adam asked hesitant of driving with it with James.

James got inside and played a bit of it. "Never got anywhere without it."

"Ahhh! Don't play it in my ear I'm gonna be driving." Adam said starting up the car.

"Are you sure?" James said winking at Adam.

"You wanna walk?" Adam said.

"No...." James said putting down his trumpet and putting on his, and Adam's, seatbelt.

When they got to Jaiden's house they saw two chairs with a huge blanket on top. James and Adam both walked in and looks at it. Adam bent down on all fours and crawled inside. Out came and skeleton mask and huge growl. James and Adam screamed while Jaiden and the skeleton laughed.

"What the heck Jaiden!?!?!" Adam asked still shaking from the scare. Tim took off the mask and laughed some more. Once they both stopped laughing they looked back up at the two of them. "We got you good." "You didn't scare us that bad." James said looking down at them trying to calm down with a nervous laugh. Jaiden got up and greeted her friends. "Today we're going camping."

Both James and Adam looked confused. Neither of them looked excited to go camping. "Jaiden, we're animators. Sunlight will kill us." James said jokingly. "Not outdoors camping. Indoor camping! That's why I texted you guys a list of stuff your gonna need. I challenge you guys to stay here for one night and indoor camp." "We had a list?" Adam asked. "Well you can't go indoor camping with a pack of hot dogs." "Ha Ha....." Adam said. "It's ok Adam I have to get stuff too. Looks like we got a lot of driving." James said. "Pack only what you need. " Jaiden said and she went back into her and Tim's tent.

As James and Adam drove back to there houses James noticed Adam picking up a bunch of stuff. "Uh Adam Jaiden said we needed to pack what we needed. Which was some clothes, another blanket, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. Why do you have all that?" "Oh. Does that mean I gotta put back my Switch?" "Heck no." James said. " I'm just saying your putting too much stuff in. We're staying one night with Jaiden, not going into the woods." "Alright. I'll put some stuff back."

It took an hour to get back to Jaiden's house but it was still early in the day. James looked around a bit before finding Jaiden and Ari in her room. "Uh hey Jaiden where are we gonna put our stuff?" James asked.

"In your tent."

"What tent?"

"The tent your gonna set up."

"How are we gonna fit a tent in here?"

"No No it's easy. I'll show you. Just take something to hold up the blanket. You can even make a pillow and blanket fort." Jaiden said showing off her tent with a pillow boarder. Tim poke his head out. "It was pretty fun."

"Aww man that looks really cool! Do you think you can help us make that?" Adam asked.

"Sure thing. It just takes some time." Tim said. They all got started on a huge pillow and blanket forth for James and Adam. It took awhile but it was pretty wide and they could almost get there hole bodies inside. "Kinda tight." Adam said. "Well we aren't kids. Plus I think it's reasonably sized. I just hope no one trips on our legs." James said trying to fit himself in some more even though he just ended up getting closer to Adam.

"So you went camping before right?" James said looking at Adam. "Yeah. I was 18. I wasn't prepared, pretty braindead actually. I don't know what I was thinking to leave the comfort of indoors to go outside with almost no food or money with another person." James sighed. "I didn't really camp but I did stuff like camping. I bet it was awful." "Understatement." Adam said raping his arm around James. It was terrible. "Hey. We're here with Jaiden and Tim and we're gonna have a fun day. I promise." Adam chuckled. "Thanks James."

Tim was taking pictures on his phone as soon as Jaiden came out with a tray of s'mores. "I got the s'mores done guys." she said. They each grabbed one. "You know this isn't as bad as before. I actually like this." Tim took a bite out of his s'more. "Do you think you would go outside for camping?" They all just started to laugh.

"Pillow fight!" Tim yelled wacking James in the face with a pillow. James grabbed his pillow and stood up. "No fair, I wasn't ready ye-" Before James would finish he was wacked in the face by Adam. "Pillow fights don't wait Jameson." "You could at least wait for your boyfriend to stop talking." "Aww you called me your boyfrie-" Jaiden came from behind and hit Adam with a pillow. "Sneak attack!" Jaiden said as Adam hit her back.

Everyone sat down and watched a movie too. It was a scary movie sense no one could think up a really scary story. So James drew a camp fire and everyone sat around it as they watched the movie. Everytime something scary happened James or Adam would grab onto each other to the point they just didn't let go. Jaiden was holding onto a pillow as Tim was holding onto Jaiden's arm. "You scared?" Jaiden asked. "Nah I'm not James and Adam." Tim said. James and Adam looked over at Tim. "Hey we're tough. It's ok to be scared." James said.

At the end of the night Jaiden and Tim both went to sleep in there tent and Adam and James were cuddling under there's. "You know if I had to go camping again I would take you with me. You make everything fun You and Tim, and Jaiden." James smiled as he looked back at Adam. "I would take you too. But we're planning first ok?" "Ok." Adam said giving James a kiss before heading to sleep.

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