The Challenge ( One-Off )

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Alex and James have had a off and on rivalry against each other. They both challenged each other a few times but at the end of the day they were good friends. They never really wanted any harm, it was a joke. Alex even invited James so lunch one time before one of his shows.

"You still ready for Chess Boxing? You can just give up now if you want. The date is coming up and I know you don't want to look bad." James said.

"Your the one who should giving up! I've been practicing. I'm gonna whip your little marshmallow butt! You a soft and easy competitor anyway." Alex said not seeming a bit nervous. James didn't let this get to him as he took a bite out of his sandwich. "I see you brought me to Sooobway." James said. "Yeah that's because when I'm done with you, your going back to sandwich making." James just laughed it off. "What makes you think your going to do better?" "Your soft. You can't even tell your crush how you feel, how can you even beat me?" "Dude, shush!

Alex and Jaiden we're the first two people's James ever told about his crush. He went to Jaiden first because he knew that she wasn't ever going to tell. Alex was also trust worthy but he brings it up only when there alone.

"I can tell Adam how I feel anytime I want." James mumbled looking over to the side and blushing. "Well, why not today?" Alex said raising his eyebrow. James didn't look too excited. "James! I dare you to tell Adam how you feel. Then and only then you will be a true competitor and ready to battle me!"

James hatted this idea. He didn't want to rush into things so quickly. However, him and Adam have been friends for a long time. Maybe this was the push he needed. Plus, he hated letting Alex win and take all the glory. "Fine. I'll do it." "It has to be done before we fight." Alex said finishing his sandwich. James agreed finishing his as well.


James drove to Adam's house feeling positive about spending the day with him. He wanted to prove that he wasn't as soft as his drawings looked. Only when we walked up to the door he was hit with a wave of doubt. What if Adam didn't like him? What if this all a mistake? What if this ruined everything? James stood in front of the door. What felt like hours went by as he just stood there. He didn't want to look like a stalker so he knocked.

Adam opened the door, surprised to see James. "Oh hey James! You didn't call? Anything wrong?" Adam asked. "Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to come over and see my friend. Sorry I didn't call." James said. Adam let him in.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong? You look a little sick?" Adam said. He was right, James didn't feel well. He felt nervous but he pushed through  "I'm fine! So what have you been doing before I got here?" "Playing videogames. Wanna play?" James nodded and went over to play.

Adam seemed pretty confident in the game but James didn't. James kept on dying leading him to rage. "AAAAAAAAAAH! How do I do this?" James yelled. Adam just laughed. "Let me help you. Adam walked behind James bent over and held his hands helping him do better. James started to blush and looked up at Adam. "T-thanks..." Adam smiled and they both kept playing the game.

Once they both got tired they both sat watching TV. This was James chance to tell Adam how he felt. "Hey.....Adam?" James said looking up at him. Adam turned and looked at him. "I......I like......I like your shirt." James said. He cringed a little but Adam smiled. "Uh....thanks."

"Why didn't you just tell him? I like your shirt? Really? You tired to tell him you loved him and you said you liked his shirt?!?! You idiot! Why can't you just tell him the truth?" James just slouched in his seat as his thoughts went straight into his mind.

"Hey James wanna go get dinner?" Adam asked. James face lit up. "Sure! Just let me use the bathroom first." James went up. He didn't need to go he just went to text Jaiden. What turned into text became a quick call. "Mmmmm talk to me." James said quietly.  "I know your nervous James. This is gonna be great. You have to tell him for Alex and yourself." Jaiden said. "I know. But I'm scared! I like him so much." " You can do it. Trust me. Your stronger than you can imagine." Jaiden said. James thanked Jaiden and he went down to see Adam.


After dinner James lead Adam somewhere quiet around the park. "James what are you doing?" "Adam. I need to tell you something. I like you. No, love you. I've had a crush on you for a while and well Alex challenged me to tell you today so I did it. But I really do mean that I love you. You mean the world to me and I love spending so much time with you."

"Aww, Jameson. That's really sweet but I should tell you that Alex already told me that you were coming over to tell me that. I just played along with you untill he did so. Still, I love you too James. Your really special to me." Adam said. As soon as he finished Adam pulled James into a kiss. 

As soon as they were done they heard  small noise turn loud. "James?!?! Adam?!?!" Randomly behind them was what seemed to be a fan of there channels. "Uh.....who?" they both said awkwardly smiling at each other. After meeting with the fan both of them went home.

"Well.... today was odd." James said sitting next to Adam. "Yeah. True. But you are TheOddOnesOut. Could be that weird." James laughed. "Wow Adam that joke really was SomethingElse." They both laughed as they reached James's house.

"Hey James?" Adam said. James turned around and looked at Adam. "I like your shirt." he said. James smiled. "I like yours too." he said opening the door again to give Adam a kiss only for Adam to pull him back in for a less shy one.

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